Example sentences of "i knew they " in BNC.

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1 Lord Aldington said : ‘ If you 're suggesting I knew they were behaving badly , then I did .
2 I knew they had a band because Malcolm would talk to them about it .
3 So I used to encourage his own poetry , and his ideas for poetic themes , even when I knew they were poor or did not interest me .
4 I knew they would .
5 I knew they were up to something , ’ added Mr Fractor .
6 As I heard the words I knew they were wrong , but could n't for the life of me remember the dolmen 's proper name .
7 I did n't like to call out because I knew they were busy getting lunch .
8 But I knew they were living in the past , knew too that there was no way that Allan Wells was going to beat me .
9 I had been out for many hours that day and had covered many miles of jungle with unflagging caution , but without one moment , s unease , and then , on cresting the ridge , and coming in sight of the rocks , I knew they held danger for me , and this knowledge was confirmed a few minutes later by the kakar 's warning call to the jungle folk , and by my finding the man-eater 's pug marks superimposed on my footprints .
10 I knew they 'd win easy , ’ crowed Dancer .
11 I knew they were as devastated and shocked as Kenneth .
12 I told my friends I was going to the dentist this afternoon because I knew they 'd be jealous if they knew I 'd seen Home Alone 2 before anyone else .
13 ‘ I am carrying a load of wiring and electronic equipment so I knew they would be interested in it , but I am completely in favour of this type of search . ’
14 I knew they had gone wrong and shouted at them to stop , ’ said Nicholson on welcoming back his winner .
15 When he got too much praise in training , Probyn said : ‘ I knew they were going to try someone else . ’
16 Mostly I hate chimneys , but I knew they 'd rest my finger tendons and Sue Grimley needed a partner from Milenecka .
17 I did n't think too much about this at the time , although I knew they usually only had money for their ‘ little pleasures ’ after they 'd done the washing and pawned it .
18 Gladly would I have been in the condition of dog or horse , for I knew they had no soul to perish under the everlasting weights of Hell as mine was like to do . ’
19 I knew they were talking about me , and some of them were , pointing at Dawn .
20 ‘ There 's always some police by the Circus , ’ I knew they were there because of the Jewish population around the area — and the frequent Mosley British Fascist parades .
21 But his questions were at once crucifying me as much as I knew they were of help .
22 Knowing both of them , I knew they would hit it off when they got to know one another better .
23 But I knew they came from my convict , and I felt that having criminal friends made me more common than ever .
24 I knew they were discussing me in private , but I was seriously alarmed when I discovered what they had decided .
25 I knew they would be there in the Mermaid for most of the night .
26 I knew they would follow me quickly so I told the spaceship to take me to a very quiet part of the Galaxy , a long way from any planets with people on .
27 I must have stood next to them in the Tube , passed them in the street , of course I 've overheard them and I knew they existed .
28 Anyway ; I used to be petrified of these dragons , even though I knew they probably did n't exist ; I mean I knew there was no Santa Claus , and no fairies and elves , but still thought ghosts and dragons were a possibility , and it only took one to kill you …
29 Both the man and the whey-faced girl had looked remarkably English ; and whatever nationality they really were , I knew they did n't live on the island .
30 I knew they " d be heading into the town to have ice-cream and things and talk and laugh .
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