Example sentences of "i mean my " in BNC.

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1 I mean my act is all songs , songs , songs . ’
2 I mean my own class .
3 I think probably that was probably London but in the north I lived on the north east coast in a very small town and some of I mean my memories are quite different in a way .
4 You know I mean you er er it 's al I , I think the same would happen if you put a five note in inside it would get thrown out with the rubbish but erm the thing is that obviously some , some early day , if one can say in inverted commas early day publicity erm from the Northumberland side of things could a and I mean my view when , when Ros was telling me what happened at the last meeting erm was that was gon na be acting as an icebreaker as opposed waiting till the last minute somebody 's gon na and they think erm as it were , a and build up from , from that because there 's obviously gon na be one or two other things coming directly from national level .
5 I mean my erm my , my uncle getting familiar about this , yes ?
6 you know , where I belong , I , I do n't quite honestly do n't really like Harlow New Town any more , I al I did up until about oh eight or nine years ago I thought it was a great place and all , all the cockneys that said , you know , oh I 'd love to be back in London , I thought they were barmy , you know to live in London the di the difference is , I mean my husband 's a cockney and he would n't , would never , well now he would never go back to London you know , it 's a dump , he , he likes Harlow , but er I think I do n't like it now because it 's expanded so much , you know when we , when we were first here , mind you when we first moved in it was ever so difficult for us kids because , there , there was the Old Town kids versus the New Town kids and they hated us , they really
7 Talking about , about image , I mean my body 's like a sumo wrestler without my clothes on
8 to because we 've got the Legal Aid system , but I mean my son was also a repeated robbed in his car and what shocked me was the , the police they said to me you should n't have a pretty car any way , he had a brand new X R three
9 I just feel that even if you have read the book I mean my point would be , I would maybe be reading the book and have a look and say oh god
10 I I 've always been that way inclined , I mean my dad was er he he was a miner , he was a lovely dad , he was lovely man .
11 I mean my doctor saw them , he said , What you taking these for ?
12 I mean my parents wo n't visit me cos I living here .
13 And again , these scribbles , I mean my excuse is they 're supposed to be like that , but These wo n't mean a thing
14 erm I mean my father died eventually , and er the business passed on to meself .
15 I mean my belief is that if Standard Life and M and G ca n't show me a profit on a , a good managed fund , I doubt that anybody in a another institute is going to do any better .
16 I mean my , my money is erm
17 I mean my impression is that the resource has come in on this , I mean extra staffing , I mean you need it you ca n't do it without ,
18 For standing on the , on the seats you see , which I mean my father was right he 'd got the experience to know that several men had been drowned like that .
19 Oh nothing else , no nothing else , well we dare n't because I mean my father was so strict , you know you got ta do as your told .
20 Course they got away with income tax out of that because they were n't , they were n't much erm to do with income tax that time , I mean my tax at that time of the year was about , at that time was about four pound a year when I was erm , when I was working and you only paid income tax once a year .
21 I mean my X T for example ,
22 And my real father — I mean my official , signed and sealed father — struck me the only time I met him as a grandiose old phoney .
23 I mean my ancestry is so confused …
24 I mean my mood so affected the way the class was but that was something that I did n't think could be helped at all … and the difference was amazing you know , when you 're feeling OK and you 're being relaxed .
25 I mean , will there be any contribution by way of guar loan guarantees over the forecast , over the next two forecast years or , I mean my understanding was that there was a guarantee fee that , that erm , was still owed this year .
26 Erm well it makes sense but I 'm , I 'm glad you cos I mean my bonuses have gone down , I mean they have n't gone up then why is that ?
27 But I mean my
28 Yes I mean my wife and I have had a go at that .
29 I mean my application essentially I should think was one of the simplest
30 Everybody 's in their own camp , and it , it , it 's only when you come to consider , and I mean my group is nowhere near behind me on this , because we have farmers who , who again think that anything to do with County Farms is sacrosanct .
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