Example sentences of "to [noun sg] demand " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ feeling of false prosperity ’ may help to fuel demand and inflation .
2 So the expansion programme has to be linked to our building capacity as well as to student demand and national need .
3 The entire programme is flexible , is continually kept under review , and is responsive to student demand .
4 As J. K. Galbraith ( 1979 ) has pointed out the adman actually creates markets and implants ‘ needs ’ in people ; he is not merely responding to consumer demand .
5 This responsiveness to consumer demand is also likely to lead to greater choice .
6 The increased discipline of competition in the product market ( ie the market in which goods and services are sold ) ensures that firms will be more responsive to consumer demand , providing better quality goods at lower prices than previously .
7 It has so far been assumed that while the corporate sector 's response to consumer demand may be imperfect , that what is responded to is at least an authentic expression of consumer tastes .
8 And if British farmers do not anticipate the changes needed , then supermarkets , responding to consumer demand , will simply import more and more foreign food instead , warns Professor James .
9 We are not convinced that the attraction of out-of-town shopping is entirely a response to consumer demand .
10 Though not without animal-loving executives among their ranks , the big stores are , or course , responding to consumer demand .
11 The other leads to sustainable agriculture , which is beneficial to the environment , sensitive to consumer demand and produces safe and healthy food in a manner that is supportive of rural life and culture " .
12 Perhaps the most interesting questions relate to subject demand in public libraries , linked to the activity of stock revision .
13 The growth of synfuel industries during the latter years of the twentieth century and the gradual increase of the contribution to oil demand made by these oil shale , tar sand , coal based fuels mean an extension of the life of the IC engine probably well into the mid-21st century .
14 Initially 90% of the production will go for use in NEC products ; to date demand is highest for the 9.4″ screens used in laptops , although NEC expects the market to grow to a $8,900m market by 2000 , when it hopes to have a 25% market share .
15 Through collecting up-to-the-minute information on what is selling and what is n't , and then making it available to suppliers via EDI , it becomes possible to achieve a stock replenishment process that is highly responsive to customer demand .
16 On the other hand , the service provided is more likely to be responsive to customer demand .
17 The company says the Dedicated Systems Business Unit was formed in response to customer demand for additional networking functionality in dedicated systems , which it conceives of as dedicated systems with low system overhead , fast performance , built-in networking , real time response and graphics capabilities .
18 TI said that in the first quarter it will start knocking off Tsunami derivatives , differentiating features such as cache size , floating point and Sbus according to customer demand .
19 It has been developed in response to customer demand and requests from Branch Banking Division for a more streamlined system .
20 In the past decade , supermarkets have developed flourishing bakery operations largely in response to customer demand .
21 Money supply is endogenous ( determined within the model ) if it is determined by aggregate demand and hence the demand for money : banks simply expanding or contracting credit in response to customer demand .
22 With the Maestro and Montego we said we 'd respond to customer demand .
23 The company that bottles the water says it 's acting completely within the law and is simply responding to customer demand .
24 After 1955 an increasing amount of inner-ring suburbanization was produced by developer builders in response to market demand .
25 In allowing farmers to plant certain crops such as soya beans and wheat without losing existing government support , the bill was intended to encourage farmers to plant crops in response to market demand rather than government incentive .
26 We will expand our geographic spread further in the Far East and West Africa in response to market demand .
27 Whether and in what way an organization produces surplus value and responds to market demand will , it is predicted , determine the activities , skills , specialisms and organizational structures to be found within it .
28 The Bank of England is happy to respond to market demand and issues stocks across a wide range of maturities .
29 Besides entailing bearer form ( hence attractive to some types of investor ) lack of registration , disclosure and prospectus requirements also makes eurobond finance more flexible , and so allows borrowers both to take advantage of temporary shifts in relative yields , and to respond quickly to market demand .
30 The fuel which will make the largest contribution to energy demand growth will be coal though there will be significant growth in both gas and nuclear power consumption .
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