Example sentences of "to [adv] long " in BNC.

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1 Net systems can extend from as little as 50 yards ( 45.7 metres ) to as long as is manageable .
2 This is referred to as long standing limiting illness .
3 The accountant will try to ensure that the band have given enough thought to how long this money is likely to last , and how best to use it until the next payment or earnings are due .
4 Questions are asked as to how long the doctor must maintain his patient on such a machine before discontinuing its use .
5 There are various theories as to how long the inquiry will last , ranging from four months to nine months , or even longer .
6 It is important , too , to set clear limits to how long you can continue caring if the health of the elderly person is likely to deteriorate seriously .
7 It is simply a guide as to how long your customers take before paying their accounts .
8 The fuel-life figures are intended as only a very rough guide to how long the stoves took to exhaust varied fuel stocks — typical gas cartridge , integral fuel tank etc — while running at full output setting .
9 Accounts vary as to how long a girl ( usually starting , like a boy , at 14 ) was regarded as a learner .
10 Now , when there was a strict limit to how long he would have to talk to her , it was convenient — perhaps even imperative — to do so unimpeded by a third party .
11 Their salinities vary according to how long ago their waters were left to evaporate , and the amount of fresh water entering them annually ; of the four main lakes , Deep Lake , the deepest ( 34 m ) and most salty , has a mean salinity of approximately 280ppt , roughly eight times that of sea water and similar in density to Dead Sea water .
12 Silence is established before the meal is served , the staff patrolling the perimeter of the room , affecting indifference as to how long the pupils continue to talk .
13 Already he was beginning to steal glances at the clock , comparing it needlessly with his own watch , missing bits of the film while he made rapid calculations as to whether he might conceivably be able to see Bridget home , and , when this had become out of the question , as to how long they would have to say good night at the hated corner .
14 Er it would have been better had he perhaps said , well there 's the time for the job , there 's your card , there 's all the operations listed for you , from one to sixteen or whatever it might be , and each one itemized you know , as to how long it might take .
15 We would have to get a special cradle to do that and I have no real idea as to how long his nerve will hold .
16 ( For RSFSR legislation see p. 38273 ; Moldava 's Supreme Soviet passed a privatization law on July 4 providing for non-transferable bonds to be distributed to citizens in proportion to how long they had worked .
17 Yeah , if it , if it 's an illness , not a simple accident , an accident is probably , or you 've got a rough idea as to how long you gon na be off for .
18 Erm , we had an example advert early on that we actually read through , for the simple reason of finding how long it was going to take , so we had a target as to how long we needed the advert to be very early on and we could work to that .
19 ‘ The Hard Life ’ — that was the television series title to Too Long a Winter .
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