Example sentences of "in later [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The court said that whether the breach was a repudiatory one depended on two factors , ( i ) the ratio the breach bore quantitatively to the whole contract ( ii ) the likelihood of the breach being repeated in later instalments .
2 If we found that responses in later surveys were more favourable towards breaking the law among respondents of all ages , this would be interpreted as a pure period effect .
3 Some were sacrificed in later wars .
4 A man explained that he was called Ibrahim to keep alive the name of his grandfather 's brother , killed without issue perhaps at the battle of Yellow Hill , or at Kawz , or at Hawaria ; and the same patterns appeared in other genealogies : the names of men without descendants , killed in battle , are recalled for use in a collateral line in later generations .
5 ‘ Mining uranium out of the ground to fuel nuclear plants averts health effects of radon in later generations . ’
6 This led on in later generations to a widespread belief among orthodox Christians that the Bible should be looked upon as a compendium of truths directly revealed by God , inerrant and totally consistent in all its parts , and thus the supremely authoritative source of information not only on points of doctrine but on any other matters on which it might touch .
7 By focusing attention , albeit in negative and often hostile fashion , on that issue , the radical Hegelians placed on the agenda what was to become an urgent matter in later generations .
8 Fig. 88 abjures pattern , making its effect entirely by the balance of light figures and dark ground ; while Euphronios in fig. 89 makes his patterns too in red-figure : two ways of integrating the picture still further with the pot , both carried on in later generations .
9 Regardless of its limitations , the system of Paracelsus seems more satisfactory than the highly regarded but crude reductionist models that came into vogue in later generations .
10 The displaced or externalised mother or father figure ( including , of course , the state ) can be seen as a repository of tradition and culture , again regulating people 's innate drives towards survival and genetic representation in later generations .
11 Previous expeditions had often collected from disease-free trees in the forest , but only a few of these trees had shown useful resistance in later trials .
12 In later trials pots containing five Lolium temulentum plants were used .
13 In later sections we will consider how to adjust our body clocks to much larger shifts — as after a time-zone transition or during nightwork , for example .
14 Other than the later stimulating and substantial growth in Norfolk and Essex , and which is considered in later sections of this chapter , the major encouraging early development for the new District Secretary occurred in Hertfordshire .
15 In later sections we shall look at alternatives .
16 The main ones are dealt with , albeit briefly , below ( some will be re-examined in more detail in later sections and chapters ) .
17 It will therefore be referred to again in later sections .
18 Issues such as these are investigated and discussed in detail in later sections .
19 The effect that this has on LDOCE 's efficacy for text recognition is discussed in later sections .
20 In later sections I present a fuller discussion of merger .
21 These criticisms will be examined in detail in later sections .
22 This point will be examined in detail in later sections .
23 This debate will be considered in later sections of the chapter which deal with the different classes in contemporary capitalism .
24 The handing over of some 12,000 Croats to Tito 's forces in the days after 19 May will be referred to in later sections of the report .
25 In later sections , the major theoretical contributions aimed at understanding vertical linkages will be outlined , and subsequently policy implications will be drawn from them .
26 The pattern established by these subsections is repeated in later sections in this Part of the Act .
27 The paucity of available evidence concerning the foundation of the institution and the activities of the early Muftis means that one can hope to do no more than to draw reasonable inferences from the little evidence that does exist ; and some of what can be said about these problems involves a projection backward from the activities of later Muftis and will therefore be considered in greater detail in later sections .
28 As we will see in later sections , the development of successful multimedia applications is deeply affected by this crucial issue of market awareness among multimedia information publishers .
29 As we shall see in later sections , HARPY made sure , by structuring the grammar in particular ways , that a narrow portion would occur soon enough to prevent a combinatorial explosion of hypotheses .
30 Two other points , given their importance in later developments , must be abstracted from the argument .
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