Example sentences of "in 1989 [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In 1989 their parents asked for the twins ' photograph to be published in a Sunday newspaper and vowed that they would never be locked away in an institution .
2 In 1989 we were assured there was no , absolutely no , case for electrifying between Edinburgh and Glasgow : .
3 Then , in 1989 we planned one between Thames and LWT .
4 Having played in the other semi-final against Everton on that fateful day in 1989 we were stunned , on returning to our coaches , to hear the news coming from Hillsborough .
5 Lesley , our first child was born in 1988 in Rutherglen , but in 1989 we moved again .
6 In 1989 we pointed out that : ‘ Africa is changing .
7 Since halofantrine was introduced in 1989 we do not see how data collected in 1990 go against our hypothesis that drug pressure led to the resistance we observed in 1992 .
8 With each new membership in 1989 we are giving a FREE gift pack
9 At the other end of the scale , Plymouth Laira gained a small fleet of Class 37s which rarely ventured away from the West Country china clay empire , although a new trainload working was introduced in 1989 which would take them twice a week up to Irvine in South West Scotland .
10 He commanded the government troops in Eritrea , and chaired the court martial in 1989 which disposed of 12 of his fellow-generals for plotting an anti-Mengistu coup .
11 During this time she travelled the French countryside , and the result was an exhibition in 1989 which sold out instantly .
12 Such emotion reminded Fundraising of the most successful-ever Amnesty raffle in 1989 which made £102,700 .
13 Britain also refused to sign a Social Charter in 1989 which guaranteed certain minimum social rights to EC peoples , and it had to be said , thirty years after the Rome treaties , that European unity had not really fulfilled the high hopes of Schuman , de Gasperi or Adenauer .
14 Despite the reduction of inflation to 12.9 per cent ( compared with a 1989 target of 15 per cent ) and a growth rate in 1989 which was expected narrowly to exceed population growth , the economy 's structure remained largely unchanged , particularly in agriculture , with a prominent division between estates producing commodities for export , and a peasant sector where successful farmers were in a tiny minority .
15 A current-account surplus of $966 million was achieved in 1989 which was 39 per cent less than in 1988 .
16 Two groups implicated were said to be the National Democratic Alliance ( NDA — an alliance formed in 1989 which grouped the opposition parties , including the Umma party , with the SPLA ) and a hitherto unknown group , Ana al-Sudan ( " I am Sudan " ) .
17 250 They 've become accustomed What they 're forgetting is that this fits in with the stated local plan and with original proposals set out in 1989 which is n't so long ago but people tend to forget that sort of thing 328
18 In 1989 they accounted for more than a quarter of BR 's total charter-train revenue — and the trend is ever upwards .
19 In 1989 they had made $1.2 billion on $59.5 billion of revenues .
20 In 1989 they had a deficit of £9,000 on a turnover of £85,000 .
21 In 1989 they formulated it thus : The aim of the association is ‘ to make known the tradition of professional women artists and the importance of their work in history , in the present and the future , in both German and international art circles ’ .
22 In 1989 they were charged with indictable offences relating to the escape .
23 Taking both sectors together , in 1989 they represented 34% of Grampian exports and 34% of Tayside exports .
24 The impact of this trim and dynamic team who worked together so amicable , resulted in keeping the group together to produce further items , although after a subsequent audition in 1989 they became five years younger and are now our 50+ Team .
25 When Toyota , Japan 's largest automotive group , announced in 1989 its intention to construct a plant at Burnaston , near Derby , the reaction to it was far more favourable than that received by Nissan eight years previously .
26 In 1978 she moved into editing and after editing professional magazines and papers in the mining and mineral field she set up in 1989 her own business Editorial Services and now works freelance from home .
27 With the crowd being the most volatile in the Caribbean — rioting held up play for 25 minutes during the Test against India in 1989 -there might be some trouble but only if the West Indies are faring badly , rather than as a result of any anti-South African sentiment .
28 During 15 years with EMI he worked in artist development , marketing , promotion and public relations , and on leaving the company in 1989 he was the director of public relations and communications , EMI Music Worldwide .
29 In 1989 he was obliged to move out of his house to live on the farm in order to avoid the pressure to entertain visiting dignitaries on behalf of local politicians .
30 In 1989 he confessed at a show trial to trafficking in gold and ivory , and was shot .
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