Example sentences of "in practice [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In practice we distinguish between the external cause of a rhythm , which is caused by our life-style or environment , and another internal cause , which we might say is due to a clock within our body .
2 We British do indeed believe we should all be equal under the law , but in practice we reject social engineering which tries to make us equal in other respects .
3 In emphasising how theoretical study can be applied , in practice we are equally conscious of how the application of ideas in a wide range of specific context can contribute to the ‘ academic ’ pursuit of identifying general theories and models , traditionally taught and still to be taught through disciplines which often impose rather arbitrary boundaries of content .
4 In practice we have found the combination ( i.e. mean ) of ranks to give the best results , but tends to produce tied combined ranks frequently .
5 In practice we proceeded at absolute snail 's pace , and every step that we took was hindered by constant misunderstanding , suspicion and argument .
6 In practice we may find it difficult to separate the hardware of the data manipulation unit from that of the control unit .
7 This list of requirements might well succeed in eliminating all our ideas ; in practice we would be satisfied if two or three of these demands were catered for but very unhappy with a unit that failed on all nine aspects .
8 Yet in practice we now have a constitutional monarchy where the Queen acts on the advice of her Prime Minister .
9 Both in theory and in practice we endeavour to have a representative Association in each Division , and on them — and them only — lies the responsibility of selecting their candidate .
10 Contrastiveness is much less clearcut in semantics , and in practice we have to rely on fairly intuitive identification of the category in question .
11 As we have said , in practice we do not need to write down M1 etc .
12 This leads us to the disturbing conclusion that there is a degree of subjectivity in identifying a stretch of language as discourse — it may be meaningful and thus communicate to one person in a way which another person does not have the necessary knowledge to make sense of — yet in practice we find that discourse is usually perceived as such by groups , rather than individuals .
13 Thus very often in practice we determine unc first and E afterwards , 2 .
14 In practice we know have a greater quantity of food , more choice of different foods with less seasonal variation and of better quality than every before , all at a cheaper price .
15 In practice we should draw a graph of the parental values against their offspring values , and if the graph shows any relationship the character is heritable .
16 This is particularly important because in practice we assume that ‘ accounting ’ for the business and ‘ financing ’ it are distinctly different issues .
17 Although the user can not be ignored and the need for user feedback in the design process has been advocated , in practice we have had little evidence of any move towards user behaviour monitoring and evaluation procedures being adopted by commercial suppliers of online catalogue systems .
18 In the morrow of great victory , will they show some equanimity and , above all , not give business in this country or abroad the impression that in practice we are any less committed to a single currency than any of the Twelve or that we are any less likely to be a part of it ?
19 Many changes are not viewed as fundamental in today 's economic climate , so in theory we may seem to have the backing of the legal scheme , where in practice we have to cope with the interpretation which is weighed towards the employers and their economic arguments .
20 The 1958 Act could be interpreted simply in terms of the needs of departments themselves for information , although in practice we do attempt to apply historical selection criteria .
21 But in practice we think it is a reasonable approach because of the powers which the court has to deal with unmeritorious points .
22 But you see I find this discussion slightly difficult to deal with because on the one hand you 're saying yes , the exclusion clauses in the policy reduce the scope of your liability quite dramatically , and on the other hand you 're saying but that 's just the words in practice we behave quite differently .
23 But in practice they award half-points more often than full points because , I suspect , they want to be seen to have a high standard .
24 Although local authority staff and councillors accepted that Review Boards could not be truly independent , members feel that in practice they did act independently ;
25 Graff 's proposals for a structured pluralism are admirable in theory , but in practice they would , I fear , merely increase the demoralization of students and teachers .
26 After the Popular Revolution of 1973–4 the districts of Libya in theory became autonomous and sovereign ; in practice they did not because a more or less restricted elite in the centre created the budgets , policies and political institutions .
27 These wolf calls middle peasants because , although they were squatting illegally on the land , in practice they owned and worked their small plots .
28 Each sect accused the other of wishing to observe the prescribed religious festivals at the wrong times , although in practice they had to keep to the same dates .
29 However , the professed aims of both East and West are rather different from what in practice they are achieving .
30 When I asked Roger Forster whether they had ever started a new congregation without a full-time worker he replied that it was not that they were in principle against it , but in practice they had not done so .
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