Example sentences of "in a moment " in BNC.

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1 The tall Finn and Peter Horbury together raised her up and in a moment or two her eyelids fluttered open .
2 It was Mr Eames 's , and in a moment he was back , and as much in a rush as a butler can be .
3 But in a moment , the sun was blazing , the sky blue as cornflowers .
4 Years later , in a moment of youthful self-disclosure , his grandson commented through one of his fictional characters , ‘ It did n't matter to him how he faced the congregation : his grandfather had built the synagogue . ’
5 In a moment of youthful inspiration , the day after the funeral , he took one of his father 's bow ties , one reserved for special occasions , and opened up its seams , into which he infiltrated a message — his first poetic utterance , as he told his Spanish biographer , Alberto Manzano — long since forgotten ( or too painful to remember ? ) .
6 To his horror he found that the young boy had hanged himself in a moment of despair .
7 A city perceived in a moment 's enchantment
8 Yet , and very often , even a single emphatic conventional gesture performed in a moment of stillness can be tremendously effective and make a strong point in what may otherwise be a continuous flow of dance .
9 Except for the few slats supporting the tank , all the shelves in the cupboard can be removed in a moment , making access really easy .
10 Lenin 's attitude , in so far as it is discernible , will be looked at in a moment , but by this time he was more cut off through illness from daily supervision of affairs .
11 Dzerzhinsky wrote that the swifter exchange of goods would help to reduce taxes levied on the peasants and so mollify them and speed up the realization of smychka between town and country ; but towards the end of the year he admitted in a resigned tone : ‘ Can such a huge enterprise like transport really change in a moment , can people really be regenerated at once ?
12 He was broken with compassion as he watched her crashing like a falling star , pulled by gravity and centripetal forces towards the consummation of the sun and in a moment of weakness he relaxed his will .
13 In a moment Sheila stood angrily framed in the doorway .
14 In a moment Vigo would glance round , show surprise and make some swift apology for being engaged on matters beyond a policeman 's comprehension .
15 In a moment , ’ Wexford said .
16 Why this should be so will be discussed in a moment but it does enable the other observations to be accounted for by a single theory .
17 ‘ It should be here in a moment . ’
18 The drama of the moment was recaptured in Perelandra , the second in the science-fiction trilogy , where Ransom remembers the strength which was given to him in a moment requiring supreme moral courage .
19 Jakki had just returned from an idyllic holiday in America ( more of which in a moment ) when she was told to get back on a plane because the Material girl had finally agreed to give an interview on Radio One .
20 The left-wing opposition argues that Turkey has undone in a moment decades of diplomacy in which the country presented itself as a force for Middle Eastern stability .
21 The young paratrooper turned to look at me , his eyes alarmed , as if he expected somehow to see that his buddies had caught him in a moment of vulnerability .
22 Then it is changed in a moment , and they are all sunny smiles and playful pats on the arm .
23 Slips in a moment out of life .
24 He buried her in Highgate Cemetery and , in a moment of remorse , thrust his manuscript poems among her golden hair before the coffin was closed upon her — but not closed for ever .
25 Just as he did earlier in the chapter , he warns Moses and Aaron to ‘ Get away from the midst of this congregation , that I may consume them in a moment . ’
26 It is sometimes said that only the Exodus complaint stories and the one in Numbers 20 , which we will come to in a moment , deal with matters of life and death .
27 The curtains fluttered as the figure moved behind them and in a moment parted to reveal a metal bedstead with a grubby patchwork quilt , shelves jostling with books — and Vic , or so Mungo presumed .
28 His head was drenched in a moment , but he stayed there until a flash of lightning made him withdraw .
29 You knew that as the child would , in a moment , move towards the edge of the cliff so , too , would the beautiful angel of God .
30 In a moment , the freckled landlady came in with the morning bacon , greeting us in the slightly questioning accent typical of Sligo .
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