Example sentences of "in the mirror " in BNC.

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1 Coolly Bunty turned to give a final look in the mirror ; then put her fingers to her lips and , as she passed Conroy , pressed them against his .
2 Remember to reduce speed on downhill stretches and to watch in the mirror for traffic which may be about to overtake , and which could therefore set up a swing .
3 She followed , and Lucy waved at her in the mirror at every light .
4 Her face in the mirror looked raddled , eyes wild and angry and pained , mouth set .
5 In the bathroom he peered in the mirror at the creases on his forehead ; surely they were deeper than they had been yesterday .
6 She dropped the photos , rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror .
7 It 's very weird to see yourself ; looking in the mirror is not the same thing as seeing yourself three-dimensionally , which is very , very peculiar , ’ says Howard , who politely declined the chance to take his effigy home at the end of filming .
8 And by that open window , in the mirror , they discover bit by bit their faces and bodies .
9 I would suggest they look long and hard at the report they have written and even longer and harder in the mirror .
10 I get all dolled up for a party and then I look at myself in the mirror and suddenly chicken out , put my jeans on , ruffle up my hair , and only then do I feel comfortable . ’
11 Marie 's standing behind me and we 're both looking in the mirror on the inside of the wardrobe .
12 I turn the other way , but it 's difficult to see in the mirror cos the corner 's been broke off .
13 Have a look in the mirror . ’
14 I have another look at myself in the mirror .
15 I grin at myself in the mirror .
16 She smoothes the dress out against her front and looks at it in the mirror .
17 I look up at myself in the mirror while I 'm soaking my hands .
18 I smile at myself in the mirror .
19 ‘ Stupid , ’ he thought , looking at his flushed , dripping face in the mirror .
20 ‘ Do n't look now , ’ she squeezed his hand , ‘ but old spoilsport is watching in the mirror . ’
21 ‘ This is great , ’ he laughed , pleased with the new , more cosmopolitan Yuri he now saw reflected in the mirror .
22 Once Barbara had had a good look at her new style in the mirror , she was very pleased with the change .
23 ‘ A dress , you ignoramus ’ ) , all he does is look in the mirror and say , ‘ This can not be true ! ’
24 Later I saw in the mirror that the shape of his palm and fingers was etched in dark red on my skin .
25 Agnes asked herself , and she thought : When we thrust out into the world just as we are , we first have to identify with that particular throw of the dice , with that accident organized by the divine computer : to get over our surprise that precisely this ( what we see facing us in the mirror ) is our self .
26 He walked to the phone , pausing on the way to take another admiring look at himself in the mirror .
27 Without even glancing in the mirror , he crossed the inner and middle lanes into the fast lane and , in fewer than ten seconds the speedometer needle was registering one hundred and fifteen miles an hour , but Mark was oblivious of the fact .
28 He jerked his foot off the accelerator and glanced in the mirror , heaving a sigh of relief that nobody was on his tail .
29 Putting the money in her bag she checked her face in the mirror and walked back to the bed .
30 He looked in the mirror and could see a gout of her smoker 's phlegm on his cheek .
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