Example sentences of "in the various " in BNC.

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1 The colourful draperies of the various stands and tents billowed and flapped gently , as the denizens of Little Tuckett strolled about on the freshly clipped lawns of the vicarage garden , taking in the various delights on offer .
2 He has had ample opportunity to exercise leadership , which he almost invariably directs along positive channels , and has improved in the various skills .
3 In 1990 , over 5,000 school teams competed in the various Midland Bank sponsored national schools competitions and figures received so far suggest even more in 1991 .
4 This is probably the most difficult material to handle because the many characters and nationalities involved in the various available libretti must express themselves as distinctively as they do in real life and the choreographer must try and ensure his design has some semblance of reality if it is to communicate meaning .
5 The different colours of the rainbow of theory are evident in ‘ New Accents ’ titles , and in the various journals devoted to theoretical discourse .
6 One pointer was the way that a growing percentage of the work-force was employed in the various activities of tourism , much of it of necessity on a shortterm or seasonal basis .
7 What is vigorous and worth while in the various traditions is precisely what is not in common .
8 In these three areas there is a clear development in the various works considered in the previous chapters , and these different studied build on each other .
9 And besides that , we discover in the various Gospels quite differing accounts of the earthly Christ 's reticence about Himself .
10 Edward learned his lessons quickly , but he was never happy in the various schools to which his father sent him .
11 His articles on ‘ Nature ’ topics , too , had begun to appear in the various journals where Noble had influence , New Age , the Speaker , and the Globe .
12 Similarly , in the various schools of reform Judaism circumcision still occupies a central place , despite the objections raised by the nineteenth-century originators of the movement to the rite 's continuation on the grounds ( amongst others ) that there was no rite of initiation for daughters into the religion so the male ritual ought to be abandoned .
13 Furthermore , there is little about splits in the various branches which makes them understandable as a product of conflict between moderate younger activists and older extremists .
14 Expenditure in the various colleges varied tremendously : in Nottingham Institute ( admittedly non-residential ) it was £30 on each of its 60 students ; Western College in Plymouth spent £136 but it had only fourteen students .
15 Sometimes , as in the various parthenogenetic ‘ species ’ of whiptail lizards , the populations are extremely uniform .
16 In the 12 years before his arrest in 1990 , the defendant is said to have found his victims in the various regions of Russia , Ukraine and Uzbekistan .
17 In almost all cases names and addresses were obtained from the ATB training advisers in the various parts of the country .
18 It provides an interesting reflection on the type of farming that predominates in the various parts of the country .
19 Within this tradition , however , there are many different histories of services found in the various European countries .
20 She was also asked to keep a diary of her week , monitoring the extent of her sense of achievement and pleasure in the various situations she was in .
21 What charming colours appear in the various tribes .
22 On the basis of these developments it was decided to prepare a new , up-to-date universal chromatography nomenclature , which also takes into account the recommendations incorporated in the various other nomenclature systems developed since the original work of IUPAC .
23 Coherence within the economic union requires a decision making capacity such that the determination of policy at Community level avoids inefficient overlapping and contradictions in the various aspects of economic policy .
24 The second half of the programme was devoted to parliamentary news in the various regions , with interviews with local MPs and other politicians .
25 The lectures are at the Institute and what is learnt is immediately put into practice with the trainees acting as helpers in the various groups .
26 Discussion of them since 1962 had been frequent but hesitant : teachers , governors , parents in the various schools were apprehensive of large-scale and unpredictable change , and no firm decision was emerging .
27 Consider an ad. in the various publications that swamp the event or , more expense , renting an exhibition space ( or , as many companies did , hiring a yacht moored to a pier just by the festival building ) , and you 're obviously talking serious investment .
28 Such arguments resonated through the media and in the various parliamentary debates during September and October 1985 .
29 However , discrimination is still greatly in evidence in the various government employment services and agencies .
30 It is a patent nonsense not to have a more meaningful zonation to properly reflect the severity of permanent natural handicaps on agriculture and to more precisely tie in the various aids and incentives to the degree of handicap as required by the Directive .
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