Example sentences of "in the name " in BNC.

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1 In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity …
2 Although the invoicing system is long redundant , the use of the shilling in the name of a beer does give a useful indication of its strength .
3 If your fuel bill debt is in the name of your landlord , and you pay him for your electricity or gas , you should let your fuel supplier and local council know this is the case .
4 Fortunately , much of the fuss has abated , but not before hundreds of the dogs were abandoned or , worse still , brutally mistreated in the name of discipline .
5 This looks very like the rerun of a scenario first enacted in the early years of this century , when two unknown expatriate American poets attacked a torpid English literary establishment in the name of nascent modernism , looking to France for their intellectual inspiration and their models of literary achievement .
6 ‘ each one in the name
7 Many of the poems naturally have feminist themes — complaints about lack of formal education , domestic duties and brutish husbands : ‘ Wife and servant are the same / But only differ in the name ’ .
8 Mecir , a ‘ touch ’ player , and one of the last tour professionals to forsake a wooden racket in the name of technology , advocates caution : ‘ It depends on your confidence .
9 In the name part , however , Val Kilmer is charismatic .
10 His words are as familiar to Soviet schoolchilden as Cromwell 's ‘ In the name of God , go ’ to the Long Parliament over 250 years earlier , is to us .
11 In the name of Allah , things have come to a pretty pass if the tabloids are influencing England 's selection policy .
12 The facility with which not only politicians but people who should know better argue for education in the name of economic growth is frightening .
13 Nonsense can never be talked with impunity by anyone ; and when governments solemnly talk nonsense in the name of nations , harm is certain to come of it sooner or later .
14 It was thus a revolution in British fiscal policy which Chamberlain advocated in the name of Empire ; and from his Birmingham speech in May 1903 until he was struck down three years later his advocacy of tariff reform and his Imperial theme dominated British policies .
15 Recalling St Magnus Martyr and speaking again of the need to preserve the fabric of the church , Eliot declared he would cease to appeal in the name of Christopher Wren and his school , and appeal instead ‘ in the name of Laud and the beauty of holiness ’ .
16 Recalling St Magnus Martyr and speaking again of the need to preserve the fabric of the church , Eliot declared he would cease to appeal in the name of Christopher Wren and his school , and appeal instead ‘ in the name of Laud and the beauty of holiness ’ .
17 Against those iconoclasts who would rid life of all images in the name of religion , he sees repudiation of art as acceptable for the extreme ascetic , but , if universally applied , as starving the spiritual soil of nourishment .
18 Humanist transgression in the name of authenticity has never been able to comprehend this other kind of transgression , that performed in the name of inversion , perversion , and reinscription .
19 Humanist transgression in the name of authenticity has never been able to comprehend this other kind of transgression , that performed in the name of inversion , perversion , and reinscription .
20 Via the dynamic of the perverse , Faustus violates Christianity in the name and image of Christ ; assimilating Christ to his opposite he discloses that opposite within Christ .
21 Similarly , as I have argued elsewhere , this play collapses God into his antithesis , those contemporary secular tyrants who were legitimating their injustice in the name and image of God .
22 for centuries they have stifled almost the whole of humanity in the name of a so-called spiritual experience .
23 Government decisions in Britain are made in the name ofthe Cabinet , in contrast to the United States where they are made in the name of the President .
24 Government decisions in Britain are made in the name ofthe Cabinet , in contrast to the United States where they are made in the name of the President .
25 As with education these interventions and the reduction in the role of producers and local government spokesmen have usually been made in the name of promoting value for money and increasing choice for consumers .
26 ‘ Why in the name of the Saviour do you have to put your ignorance on full display , ’ he turned on her .
27 This stance has now been inverted by a puritanical moralising clerisy which virtually polices conduct and enquiry in the name of a postmodern triptych — as Terry Eagleton has put it — of class and race and gender .
28 The point is that for Callinicos , Nietzschean thought is an instance of Romantic anti-capitalism : that form of refusal of the implications of capitalist modernity which has been present virtually since the birth of that condition , described by Michael Lowy as ‘ opposition to capitalism in the name of pre-capitalist values ’ ( cited p. 67 ) .
29 But even this is done in the name of a supposed ‘ immediate sensuous charge ’ rather than any more extended critical capacity of art or the aesthetic .
30 For by far the greater part , the aesthetic is bracketed in the name of a robust historical materialism .
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