Example sentences of "in the whole " in BNC.

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1 Stage nerves are unlike anything else in the whole world , and many good actors will confess to them right through their careers .
2 Some of the larger schools , however , are comprehensives , taking in the whole range of abilities , and are government funded for their current expenditure .
3 Ms Hunt noted that , in the whole Greater Manchester area , only 83 pubs out of a total of 3,712 were listed — and then , all but one just grade II .
4 But they took some wicked pleasure in his fame as the most extraordinary vocal artiste in the whole Synod of Dunkeld .
5 A sudden change of éaulement , an unusual turn in-out of legs or arms , or quick jumps up and then down to the floor followed by a roll over or even a somersault can accentuate the particular place that unusual movement has in the whole design .
6 Not one of ‘ us ’ in the whole town ascribes his action to madness .
7 During the 1970s he began to lose faith in the whole Freudian programme , and in his recent book , Skeptical Engagements , he provides detailed and substantially supported arguments for abandoning it .
8 This presumed death is the only unequivocal event in the whole work , however , and there are moments where its meditative air threatens to become bafflingly introspective .
9 Perhaps the most resonant phrases in the whole debate came from the pro-rights organiser who suggested that future centuries would come to regard our attitude to animals with the same horrified disbelief we now feel for the periods which practised slavery .
10 A source familiar with intelligence operations in Ulster said yesterday : ‘ Nothing is more sensitive in the whole field of intelligence than their identities . ’
11 Yakovlev devotes loving attention to the single , insignificant sovkhoz ( state farm ) in the whole area , although it only employed eleven people .
12 Everyone in the whole marine department just threw up their hands in horror and told me I was crazy , I did n't know the first thing about ships , the whole marine fleet would fall apart .
13 ‘ Anyhow it no longer matters to you or to me , but whoever has the last laugh in the whole business is going to have to spend a hell of a length of time laughing .
14 In the whole country only two lorries had been hijacked during the latter part of May and neither was on Hatton 's regular route .
15 ‘ Ca n't I have just one night in the whole year to myself ?
16 There needs above all to be a consistency in the whole chain linking nature conservation policy with action on the ground .
17 David would always be seen in public , would always have to do interviews , do a video or go into a recording studio — so I think the whole time was taken up by feeling involved in the whole Ziggy period or Ziggy way of thinking .
18 But a cut of ten times that amount in the whole world 's output of carbon dioxide , shared among all countries , would not only cost Britain far less : it would bring bigger benefits in climate stability .
19 Never mind that in the whole country there is only one functioning synagogue , with a congregation so small and old that it sometimes can not muster a minyan .
20 The most fun thing to do in the whole country is walk around semi-darkened shopping centres after they have closed , looking at the windows of stores selling platoons of wheelbarrows and plastic garden furniture .
21 The political commentator Hugo Young identifies the nadir of our fortunes as the Cabinet meeting on Thursday 23 July 1981 which he describes as ‘ perhaps the most memorable meeting of the Cabinet in the whole decade of the Thatcher Government ’ .
22 Not a sign of life in the whole vast house higher up Eaton Square which was the company 's billet , until he and the CO discovered the inmates all prostrate under their beds in full marching order .
23 Charles sat among Charity 's glossy acquaintances , the only uniform in the whole peculiar set of imbibers , perhaps not so peculiar as the last time he 'd dropped in when the Aleister Crowley entourage gave sinister overtones to the entire pub , the ‘ Black Magician ’ himself in his wide black hat sat surrounded by his followers in equally curious clothes .
24 She must surely be the most beautiful woman in the whole world .
25 His handwriting was so bad that Mr Sunderland had pinned his composition to the notice-board in the hall so everyone could see he was the worst writer in the whole school .
26 From being just another kid with nits in his head , the smallest in his class and the only one in the whole school whose skin was a swarthy brown , he suddenly found himself the most popular boy around .
27 When fried in the big iron pan they made an omelette that had a taste and a smell like nothing else in the whole world .
28 There must be one woman in the whole world to whom he could tell the truth .
29 That had never , ever happened in the whole history of the Corporation .
30 However , there were no suitable ponies , and indeed the only horses that took his eye in the whole sale were two Arabian stallions .
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