Example sentences of "in [art] months " in BNC.

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1 The highest stove in Britain will no doubt see plenty of use in the months ahead .
2 But in the months following the diagnosis , Mrs Henry found that it was not only a life-threatening disease that she had to contend with .
3 The philosophy that if it goes down in the US it must be going up in Europe has meant that Smurfit is looking to Europe as its main engine for growth in the months to come , when it must decide how to spend the $1bn cash raised from the recent financial restructuring with Morgan Stanley .
4 But some warned that the impact of higher mortgage rates on wage negotiations risked increased pressure on prices in the months ahead .
5 ( If you think that you are a SAD sufferer then contact your doctor. ) ( 1 ) Most SAD cases are referred to clinics in the months December to April .
6 It immediately finds its way to the surface and emerges to mate in the months of June , July or August .
7 They were reconciled in the months before Brynner 's excruciatingly painful death from cancer .
8 ITHINK if we are ever to see grand hokum in the Mac marketplace we 'll see it in the months ahead , as the M-word — multimedia — becomes the in thing to discuss in the 1990s .
9 In the months leading up to the Stock Exchange 's damning findings , the DTI 's lack of concrete action was probably forgiveable .
10 In the months leading up to the Prague autumn , The Slavia played elegant host to a more accurate cross-section of Czech society — punks , housewives , artists , students , writers , weary shoppers — than probably existed anywhere in the country until the rallies in Wenceslas Square .
11 Although American car workers will get a lot more free time in the months to come , they will at least be better off than they were a decade ago .
12 In the months leading up to them , KANU barons competed to insult multi-party advocates .
13 Such a gap is justified only if company earnings start improving in the months ahead .
14 But we were to have several more arguments in the months to come , and not all of them about poetry .
15 In the months thereafter he sank almost completely from view .
16 Few Ajdabiyans had been expropriated by late 1979 , and not a single Kufran — although many men had transferred property titles to close family members in the months of discussion preceding the publication of measures against landlordism .
17 The Government 's principal task in the months to come will be to restore the right mix of monetary and fiscal policy — now badly out of balance — so that interest rates have a better chance of coming down , and staying down over the long run .
18 It is now my opinion that the main things to remember if you 're going back to work after having a baby are that as long as you find someone you 're happy with to look after your baby while you 're at work , you 'll be happy and so will your baby , and that you will be able to do the job when you go back , even if the thought of it scares you to death in the months leading up to your return .
19 In the months Nicholson had been involved in the writing and filming of The Trip , flower-power had reached its peak and the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco had become the Mecca of hippiedom , where all the children with flowers in their hair were at ; naturally enough , this prevailing situation provided AIP with the backdrop for another psychedelic experience called Psych-Out .
20 The John Lennon Wall was an important scene of student protest in the months running up to the ‘ Velvet Revolution ’ .
21 El Cid 's future seemed anything but happy , yet events were to take a dramatic turn in the months ahead .
22 Before the Second World War ethnic Japanese were barred from applying for US citizenship ; in the months following Pearl Harbour 110,000 people were described in a State Department report as comprising a ‘ generally suspect ethnic group ’ and forcibly relocated from west coast communities to internment camps in the remote deserts of California , Arizona and Colorado , where most remained until the closing months of the war .
23 We can not say what the outcome of a meeting of the Defence Committee might have been , or whether the course of events would have been altered if it had met in September 1981 ; but , in our view , it could have been advantageous , and fully in line with Whitehall practice , for Ministers to have reviewed collectively at that time , or in the months immediately ahead , the current negotiating position ; the implications of the conflict between the attitudes of the Islanders and the aims of the Junta ; and the longer-term policy options in relation to the dispute .
24 Leeds City , or the Peacocks as they were known from the gold V-shaped band on their blue strip , climbed to a more secure position in mid-table in the months after Chapman took over .
25 His old friend and mentor , Thomas Middleton , now in his final year at Pembroke College , was the only person he knew , and it was Middleton who in the months ahead provided Coleridge with fatherly guidance and approval .
26 At the same time , he was entering with a new singleness of purpose the creative landscape of his own mind , and sensed already that what he might achieve in the months ahead would surpass anything which had resulted from two very public years in Bristol .
27 Only in the months ahead did Coleridge and Sara begin to realize how much they had also aroused the hostility and suspicion of inward looking Stowey , and Coleridge 's final verdict on his village neighbours would be a gloomy one .
28 They seem , in the months that followed , to have lived with a new intensity , half-knowing that their shared joy in creativity and friendship might never be repeated .
29 This takeaway sermonette is usually tucked away after the opening prayer and before the second hymn , during which the children leave church ( in the months when Sunday School is in session ) .
30 How many times in the months ahead was that heading to coyly vacillate between ‘ crisis ’ , ‘ situation ’ but never actually say ‘ war ’ .
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