Example sentences of "in [art] weeks " in BNC.

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1 I felt I did n't need to see Moby unless matters deteriorated in the weeks after Jeanne contacted me .
2 PUB ROCK / Pint-sized rock ‘ n ’ rollers : Jim White selects the best of the London pub venues and gigs in the weeks ahead
3 Just as it did during the mass exodus in the weeks before the Berlin Wall was built , the state propaganda machine is claiming that the current wave of emigration is due to a campaign organised by West Germany to lure their people away .
4 But in the weeks that followed they became very close and clung to one another in their loss .
5 He discovered in the weeks and months that passed a real passion ; a task that was not only deeply therapeutic , but one that he also found he could do rather well .
6 But in the weeks before they left they worked extremely hard at their fitness , were coached by Geoff Boycott to improve their batting technique , and insisted to the press that people back home in England were going to be pleasantly surprised .
7 In the weeks that followed , he found that the food supplements seemed to be making him put on weight , which was slightly worrying .
8 In the weeks before he left , Dana and I sometimes quarrelled bitterly .
9 Promising an all star line-up of DJs in the weeks to come ( Paul Oakenfold , Mike Pickering , Norman Cook etc ) , Brighton 's Escape Club reopens from June 9 .
10 According to Dr Judith Haynes of the educational psychologists ' group Child Consultants , the crucial thing is for parents to gain the child 's co-operation in establishing a revision regime in the weeks leading up to examinations .
11 Others argue that Labour would first have to win power on its own merits — a point that will be made again and again by such figures as Mr Blair in the weeks ahead .
12 But at least one ingredient in the extraordinary reversal of expectation must have been the cumulative effect of seeing all those smug Labour front-bench faces oozing such complacency about their forthcoming victory in the weeks before the poll — Roy Hattersley , Robin Cook , Jack Cunningham , Bryan Gould .
13 Two other shares , Tesco and NFC , were sold from the selection , both at a profit , in the weeks before polling day , when the opinion polls were suggesting a Labour victory .
14 Kafka-esque is inevitably the word that will be employed to describe the image-battering confusion and dark horror of this picture of the collapsed state , as much moral as political , of Germany in the weeks immediately following the end of the war .
15 The story current was that on its return flight the plane had been fired on mistakenly by a naval vessel in the Channel — the sea was full of our shipping , of course , in the weeks after D-Day , and there was a corresponding absence of German fighters .
16 This discontent , which had been instrumental in provoking the challenge to her leadership by Sir Anthony Meyer in 1989 , continued to plague the Prime Minister through the first half of 1990 and flared up again in the weeks prior to the leadership contest .
17 As it was , in the weeks that followed Herr Bremann 's death , his lordship began to devote more and more hours to the matter of the crisis in Germany .
18 But you can find out a great deal on your initial farm walk , and much more in the weeks and months before you sign a contract or bid at auction .
19 We think you 'll appreciate that extra care in the weeks and months ahead .
20 In the weeks following I began to write reviews of local stage plays and the bigger and better films that my friend E.P .
21 Sometimes in the weeks and months that followed , I would say I would rather not talk about her in front of her .
22 Of course there are many factors in the comparative success of these occasions and in the weeks or days when the timetable is ‘ suspended ’ in favour of interest-led activity , but among them certainly the opportunity to really ‘ know ’ the child , and vice versa , is a powerful ingredient .
23 Holding ( 1974 ) monitored the numbers of suicide attempters admitted to the Edinburgh Poisoning Treatment Centre in the weeks before , during , and after the screening of an 11-episode weekly television programme illustrating the work of the Samaritans .
24 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
25 In the weeks after the 1981 earthquake , it discovered a jumble of these electric pulses superimposed on the normal electrical properties of the solid Earth .
26 In the weeks before Christmas , the agent was starting to sack staff , some of whom had joined only a week before the order was issued .
27 Shops there got off to a bad start in the weeks after currency union , many demanding cut-throat prices .
28 ‘ At first , yes , and he often summoned the Queen to meet him across the Forth , but in the weeks before he died , his visits became less frequent .
29 In the weeks before His Grace 's sudden death , it was just excuses , a total refusal to consummate the marriage . ’
30 And there are many blanks left in the weeks of courtship which a loving faith fills with happy assurance .
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