Example sentences of "in [art] terms " in BNC.

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1 Yet the articles which followed qualified certain of these rights in a typically catholic way and in the terms of the papal teaching of the day .
2 every anthropologist has experienced ‘ culture shock ’ ; a temporary inability to grasp and act and think in the terms of the assumptions upon which the newly entered culture is based .
3 These readings are intermittently illuminating , if reductive , and basically they are doing what criticism has always done , which is to interpret the works of the past in the terms and concepts of the critic 's own age .
4 It may be that there is literally nothing they can say about it in the terms they are accustomed to using .
5 Identify the issue , and define it in the terms of your own culture
6 Do the same in the terms of the culture which you are trying to examine
7 In the terms of the binaries invoked , and reinstalled rightway-around , he should have been perceived as only shallow , specious , ineffectual .
8 Morgan was not interested in the terms for themselves but in the principles which they seemed to reveal when they were put together .
9 ‘ Not only the members of the small governing class but every squire , tradesman and farmer who could afford to modernize or rebuild his house , even the parson , deputy of Christ , lived behind a façade which was conceived in the terms of a Classical Order , entered his home through a doorway deriving from the portico of a pagan shrine and sat at a hearth which resembled a miniature triumphal arch or an altar to the Lares . ’
10 He is perfectly clear that it is in the terms provided by this framework that we are able to answer any ‘ limited ’ question about the causes of particular phenomena .
11 The phenomena it explains are given to us in experience ; they are not produced by us , their causes are not directly knowable , and we can only hypothesize , in the terms of our theoretical framework , about what they are .
12 No , said Nigel , it was not in the terms of reference .
13 In order to work this process requires leadership in the terms discussed earlier in this chapter ; it also requires ‘ open ’ management expressed through consultative procedures , effective delegation and a climate conducive to review , target setting , monitoring and evaluation .
14 They agree that theological discourse does not make sense in the terms of ordinary language , but whereas for one this effectively consigns theology to the dustbin , for the other it gives it the same sort of status as speaking in tongues .
15 In the terms of the old philosophical dilemma , most of us would save the endangered baby from the house before we 'd save the Mona Lisa — even if the baby were far more likely to grow up an art thief than another Michelangelo or Da Vinci !
16 The life may take a different form to that experienced by most of us , and may not be rewarding in our terms , or in the terms by which society judges these things .
17 But it is worth noting that at least for the criticism of popular culture , and of television in particular , this apparently postmodern move may have less to do with a radical change in the terms of value than with a fundamental shift of attention — and of political faith — from the text to the audience .
18 In the terms of our earlier discussion , it is as if an external ‘ banker ’ had magically appeared , making it possible for both Bristol and Coventry to benefit from the same outcome , a draw .
19 It is difficult to predict the outcome of changes in the terms of employment of teachers .
20 If your employer 's requirements do involve a change in the terms of your employment contract , you should think carefully before declining to agree .
21 On the other hand , there are philistines who apparently believe that all new ideas , no matter how subtle , can be conveyed in the terms they happened to have picked up at their mother 's knee , and reject any attempt to expand the language into areas beyond the nursery .
22 THE BUTTER Information Council is what is known in the terms of peasant wisdom as a fool unto itself .
23 In the terms presented , how convincing is the CEGB 's case ?
24 The precise formula for the problems that beset the complex area around Danzig between the wars is to be found in the terms of the Versailles Treaty .
25 The currency reform had been intended to halt inflation and end the inequality in the terms of trade .
26 The most evident shift in the terms of debate in Britain concerns the focus and nature of growth .
27 Masochism is a defence against unacknowledged sadism and masochists will , in the terms of the unconscious ‘ fit ’ between partners , tend to marry not necessarily a conscious sadist , but often one who helps them to maintain a masochistic role .
28 Entry into the Common Market brought immediate changes in the terms of national legislation discriminating against foreign companies .
29 While urging for a change in the terms of the debate , in the short-term fat women must argue that to be both fat and beautiful is not a contradiction in terms , as part of the process of beginning to celebrate our sexuality .
30 They called for an investigation into the RSSPCC 's practices and procedures to be included in the terms of reference for the Judicial Inquiry which the Secretary of State announced would follow the legal proceedings .
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