Example sentences of "a stronger [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then , greater diplomatic pressure , combined with the offer of a stronger attachment to the European Community and help to deal with the genuine grievances of Serbs and Croats , might have worked .
2 The PCC considered that the dialogue with the USA had reached deadlock and that the PLO should seek other ways of dealing with Washington from a stronger negotiating position .
3 DataViews is very much a player in the more stable market sector , but it needs a stronger presence in more dynamic growth areas .
4 So we should expect it to have a stronger influence on public information and perceptions than on public attitudes and choices .
5 We should expect the mass-selling tabloid press to have a stronger influence on public attitudes and choices than on public information and perceptions .
6 From what we already knew about its audiences and programme content , we expected that television would have a stronger influence on public information and perceptions than on public attitudes and choices ; while the press , particularly the mass-selling tabloids , would have a stronger influence on public attitudes and choices than on public information and perceptions .
7 From what we already knew about its audiences and programme content , we expected that television would have a stronger influence on public information and perceptions than on public attitudes and choices ; while the press , particularly the mass-selling tabloids , would have a stronger influence on public attitudes and choices than on public information and perceptions .
8 It is a truism that the executive search consultant hired has a stronger influence on the person eventually put on the short list of candidates than the client .
9 Strong cultures ( IBM , Marks and Spencer , Olivetti ) will have a stronger influence on the power relationships ; less strong cultures ( some utilities , professional firms , civil service departments ) supposedly have a weaker influence on power relationships .
10 Although there is much in these three books to put them in the category of Ruritanian adventure , Scott may be a stronger influence .
11 The pressure exerted by such groups had a stronger influence than management demands .
12 To find a stronger faith his own .
13 Similarly , her observation that the U.K. feels bitterness towards nations of a stronger foundation ( morally and economically ) is a rule that can be applied here too .
14 The unfortunate result — a general bitterness towards nations of a stronger foundation .
15 This kind of close integration between research and higher education is obviously highly desirable : discussion with students so advancing the teacher 's understanding and insight that a stronger publication emerges .
16 The conservation area legislation also gives local planners a stronger degree of control over shopfronts than any other part of the building or type of building .
17 Unsuccessful attempts were made in April to broaden Poland 's governing coalition , and to give it a stronger majority in parliament which would enable it to push through its budget proposals and economic reforms .
18 The scheme met , if anything , a stronger assault from the right .
19 Delegates from Slovenia and Croatia were against the broadening of state powers , while the Serbian party members supported the position for a stronger federation .
20 Yet India has a stronger case for putting its house in order , according to Reddy .
21 In the instant case it might be said that there was a stronger case for allowing the court 's jurisdiction because there was no provision for any appeal if the Revenue was allowed to invoke s 485 .
22 If the gritty Hugh is away opening for his country , then no doubt there is a stronger case for testing out the leadership qualities of Maynard , who has himself been the subject of some speculation concerning the furniture vans .
23 In pointing to the large element of rates paid by local industry or commerce , the government had a stronger case .
24 To single out such companies seems curious ; one would have thought that there is a stronger case for excluding unlimited companies which are authorised persons under the Financial Services Act .
25 Socialism , however , had been repudiated at the polls even more decisively than Protection , and there seemed to be a stronger case for an anti-socialist coalition composed of the Conservative and Liberal Parties than for a Free Trade one .
26 The building should be depreciated a stronger case can be made for the use of the straight line method than the reducing balance method .
27 Other cases have established the principle that a stronger case is needed to justify action to bring about the discontinuance of a use than would be needed to warrant a refusal of permission in the first instance .
28 These two forms of dissent coalesced in the demand for a stronger approach to the Tory nostrum of tariff reform .
29 You may need a stronger suncream with a higher sun protection factor .
30 High level gene expression may then result from this protein being a stronger trans-activator than NF1 allowing it to direct a higher level of gene activation even following displacement of NF1 .
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