Example sentences of "a walk to " in BNC.

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1 Roland Smith has provided us with a fascinating and interesting book that should whet the appetite of many hill walkers and will certainly provide a wealth of useful background information when planning a walk to some of the ‘ Great Viewpoints ’ of Britain .
2 At that time Fothergill had , as he explained in a letter to Bartram , 1744 , little chance to pursue the practical study of plants as he would wish , but he did , now and then take a walk to Peckham or Chelsea .
3 A walk to the Hadi Gari Bar down by the harbour will take you right through the hustle and bustle of the narrow streets of the old town and can take as little as five minutes , although you 'll be hard pressed not to be distracted by the jewellery , leather and clothes offered by street vendors at every corner .
4 There was a much-told tale of her Australian infancy that was held to be prophetic in this respect — about how at the age of three she had , by the sheer force of her will , compelled her uncle Walter ( who was taking her for a walk to the local shops at the time ) to put all the money he had on his person into a charity collecting-box in the shape of a plaster-of-Paris boy cripple ; as a result of which the uncle , too embarrassed to admit to this folly and borrow from his relatives , had run out of petrol on the way back to his sheep station .
5 A walk to the hot springs .
6 One September Sarah was his companion on a walk to Coniston , and the following day , when they went to Seathwaite , was ‘ much amused by the appearance of the sea on our scramble to Goat 's Water . ’
7 A horse naturally shifts from a walk to a trot , and then to a gallop , Taylor 's team found , at the speed where each pace begins to cost it more than the minimum amount of oxygen .
8 It is not a strenuous walk , nor is it a walk to be hurried as there is so much to see .
9 A walk to Dunkery Beacon , the highest point on Exmoor at 1,704ft .
10 Most of these mountains can be seen on a walk to the watershed of Glen Nevis , but foreshortening robs them of distinctive summits .
11 A relaxed , informal atmosphere prevails , with energy only really needed for a walk to the beach — 500 yards away down 300 steps .
12 He certainly liked Alix , and after the demo he took her off for lunch in a pub and then for a walk to his room in King 's , where he showed her his pots and his paintings .
13 One afternoon we went for a walk to a nearby village where we met an old man with a stick and a long grey moustache who invited us home for tea .
14 The tutors had led the business pupils on an organized ‘ social ’ — a walk to the Prater .
15 They did n't often have a chance to leave the pub together , but this afternoon she was determined to have a family outing , so as soon as the dinner-things were washed up , they had come for a walk to the Island Gardens .
16 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
17 Either way it meant a walk to Snodland or Cuxton to catch a train so walking that extra was no trouble .
18 ‘ This afternoon we were — are — due for a walk to Ramsgate . ’
19 It was when I went for a walk to our old camp .
20 He 's drawn up a route for a walk to the South Pole … of Mars , that is .
21 We 're going for a walk to .
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