Example sentences of "a long letter " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I would fain write a long letter to each one of you but have no strength …
2 Sneha , ( not her real name ) an Asian girl of eighteen living with her family near Birmingham , wrote me a long letter , but with the strict proviso that I did n't ring her at home or try to contact her at all .
3 She died recently and I wrote a long letter to her husband , Wolfgang Schneiderhan .
4 In a long letter to Alston in 1737 Miller discussed classification of plants according to Tournefort , ‘ no person was ever more exact in all the Synonimes , .
5 A long letter from him to Miller in 1730 was brought to the attention of the Royal Society and in this he related his experience with inarching ( grafting ) for exotic trees , the climate of Midlothian not being as rigorous as one might imagine .
6 She is much exercised about a long letter which arrived today , which she did not show me , but smiled over , and caught up and folded away .
7 He hurriedly wrote a long letter to The Times , which it published on 14th February , the Monday after the debate .
8 Perhaps unnerved by the suddenness of his summons to the Prime Minister and the vigour of Palmerston 's attack , Scott felt that his case had to be presented in a ‘ more consecutive manner ’ , and on 23rd July , 1859 , he wrote a long letter to Palmerston explaining how much effort he had put into the design and what a loss it would be to the country if it was not adopted .
9 After years of immersing myself in a new culture , I went to my local GP with a long letter explaining my wish to see a psychiatrist .
10 I do apologise for such a long letter , but I had always believed that ZZAP ! was the inferior C64 mag .
11 I remember a Rhodesian in our squadron writing a long letter to the ‘ Malta Times ’ about this very subject , but I do n't think it was ever published . ’
12 ‘ Yesterday I also received a long letter from Steve Pyle .
13 I wrote a long letter to my aunt next morning .
14 It was not a note but a long letter explaining everything , as long and taking her as long to compose as the last piece of writing she had done , an essay comparing and contrasting Verdi and Wagner and their operas .
15 In a long letter , he then explained that his past affection for someone else ( no doubt Emily Hale ) rendered any new relationship impossible for him .
16 He followed this with a long letter two months later , in which he tried to convince Pound of his achievement and to sympathize with the despair and anxiety which now assailed him .
17 She wrote a long letter to her brother about these problems .
18 Nkrumah reassured Macmillan in a long letter ( 26 September 1961 ) .
19 It was not a long letter , written in an old-fashioned copperplate hand .
20 B H Payne , Headmaster of the Cambrian Institution for the Deaf and Dumb in Swansea and one of the founder-members , replied with a long letter in the next issue .
21 I got out of bed and sat in my pyjama trousers and wrote a letter , quite a long letter , which I tore up at the first re-reading .
22 ( In a long letter to Hester Thrale on 30 September , written from Ostig on Skye , he remarked with a different emphasis : ‘ Barley broath [ sic ] is a constant dish , and is made well in every house .
23 Finally , he sat down and wrote a long letter to Sybil Vane .
24 With it was a long letter for me , which said :
25 Linton wrote a long letter back , explaining that his father would not allow him to do that .
26 He evidently led musicians on with false promises : a long letter from the cellist Carlo Graziani details amounts owing and favours not forthcoming ( Giardini seems to have promised him a place in the Queen 's Band , though it is highly unlikely that he would have had such influence ) .
27 In February 1812 , Andrew Berkeley Drummond , newly appointed Keeper of the Privy Purse by the ailing George III , wrote to a cousin joining the bank of a long letter of banking advice .
28 In 1585 , Lambarde wrote a long letter to Lord Burghley stating reasons for her Majesty to proceed with speed in the defense of the Low Countries .
29 She wrote my mum a long letter saying that I was a Devil Child and the best thing my mum could do with me was have me exorcized .
30 A long letter to The Bell argued that expecting Russia 's " educated classes " to solve the country 's problems was futile .
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