Example sentences of "a long shot " in BNC.

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1 Its brief revival was sparked by Dziekanowski who fed Tarasiewicz and for once a long shot had Shilton in trouble .
2 A long shot with an arrow .
3 One suggestion is the cold air may be blowing over the gauges affecting their readings — a long shot , I guess , but have you any ideas because after so long I 've about run out .
4 It 's one hell of a long shot . ’
5 ‘ It 's a long shot , but we ca n't afford to overlook anything .
6 A long shot is one which takes in the whole of a scene .
7 According to the standard description , a long shot of a human figure is one in which the figure takes up half to two thirds of the height of the picture .
8 He is also , by a long shot , one of its most interesting and articulate characters .
9 It 's a long shot , but well worth trying .
10 It 's a long shot , but Cowley 's sixth sense usually hits the mark … ’
11 It is still what you call a long shot ? ’
12 Not by a long shot .
13 I 'm not a retarded under-age flower who was raped or molested by some evil step-father — not by a long shot . ’
14 I know this may sound like a long shot — but someone who 's been listening to 2 Pac 's ‘ 2PacalypseNow ’ super-LP was recently arrested in a stolen car ( with the tape still playing ) for killing a police officer in America .
15 ‘ Not by a long shot , ’ said Joe .
16 And the policeman wanted to check his facts before deciding to take a chance on a long shot .
17 One Frenchman had taken his carbine from his holster and now tried a long shot at Sharpe , but the bullet fluttered harmlessly overhead .
18 Although Siemens is a licensee of the MIS Technologies Inc R-series RISC family , with the right to fabricate it , Siemens Nixdorf has been diminishing its importance in its product line , making major Japanese MIPS licensee NEC Corp , which is increasingly loosely allied with Compagnie des Machines Bull SA , a long shot .
19 It 's a long shot , I know , but there is n't much else we can do under the circumstances . ’
20 " It 's a long shot . "
21 ‘ With Lime Grove then , if you were planning a long shot from any particular place you had to be sure the camera could physically get to that exact spot to take it .
22 Kemp 's a bit of a long shot , is n't he ? ’
23 Whatever the result turned out to be , I would need sustenance , ( the Eccles cakes being something of a long shot ) , and that meant being prepared to risk leaving the Shell for a lightning raid into Pigeon Alley .
24 ‘ I told you it was a long shot . ’
25 They had been Promotionaries , on their respective sides of the Wars ( which were not , of course , between Good and Evil at all , as non-combatants of every species always assumed , but between Banality and Interest ) , with great things expected of them once their training and indoctrination was completed ; but they had each done something silly , something which called into question their very suitability for exalted rank , and now they were here , in the castle , with a problem to solve and games to play , being given one last chance ; a long shot , an unlikely appeal procedure .
26 It was a long shot , of course , but if she looked carefully she might find something .
27 ‘ It seemed a long shot , but we felt we had to try . ’
28 A long shot , but the only lead I seem to have . ’
29 Its the culmination of a career that began as a long shot .
30 As a long shot — just in case Lucretia Grant owned two homes — she also checked the name of Grant .
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