Example sentences of "a long debate " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are in the early stage of what will be a long debate in Europe , ’ she said .
2 After a long debate , they finally agreed to put us up for the night .
3 As an Irish prime minister once said after listening to a long debate between his cabinet colleagues : ‘ I understand how it works in practice .
4 Mr Johnston said this week 's reform talks were no more than the overture to a long debate that would run into the winter and become embroiled in GATT negotiations .
5 There has been a long debate as to whether Severn Mill was operated as a tide mill , the general opinion now seeming to favour this idea .
6 That was after he accused Berkeley 's Philosophy Professor of having ‘ idiotic ’ notions during a long debate on whether computers will ‘ think ’ like people in three centuries hence .
7 The film was banned in Maryland and Illinois , the New York Board demanded changes , and there was a long debate before it was shown in Pennsylvania , the state that had inspired the film and where Warners had vital outlets .
8 The Public Order Act represented the culmination of a long debate within the government about how increased civil disorder should be controlled .
9 Davis and Moore 's view provoked a long debate .
10 It is not a very fruitful exercise to indulge in a long debate as to which of these two functions is the more important .
11 Nevertheless , he has not honoured the spirit of the words that he used in Committee , where we engaged in a long debate about the value of the assets and the effect on the workers .
12 One of the things we did n't mention , deliberately , which I , I know Richard said they had a long debate about was child labour .
13 Although the single report does conceal some of the rich diversity of opinion on complex or controversial issues , it provides for outsiders a more usable tool than a long debate .
14 We had a long debate in Committee on sustainable development .
15 Following a long debate , the Federal Assembly on March 29 voted to resolve the issue of renaming the state ( known officially as the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic since 1960 ) by a compromise , whereby the state would be referred to as the Czechoslovak Federative Republic in the Czech lands and the Czecho-Slovak Federative Republic in Slovakia .
16 In a long debate in parliament on Aug. 17 , a number of ministers refused to back the republic bill because of the July deal with the MMM .
17 On June 20 , after a long debate , 377 Bundestag deputies voted in favour of Berlin as the seat of the united German legislature and government , while 320 deputies voted in favour of Bonn .
18 This was to be the start of a long debate which would be continued in the seventh century with the growth of concessions of immunity from episcopal intervention to particular monastic foundations .
19 And also last Friday at education committee there was a long debate , both on the procedure which would be adopted by the working party , in discharging it 's remit and in particular the policy which it recommended regarding small schools , and also an extended debate on one of the areas which was a subject of recommendation by the er , district auditor which concerns the organisation of first and middle schooling in the Meer area , and there the working party did look very specifically at the recommendation that was made by the district auditor that decided on balance that that was n't likely to produce the best and most cost effective education in that part of the county .
20 I just want to briefly introduce this , I do n't want to speak in any great , we have had a long debate in house do you if you wish to engage in a long debate again in view of the time tonight .
21 I just want to briefly introduce this , I do n't want to speak in any great , we have had a long debate in house do you if you wish to engage in a long debate again in view of the time tonight .
22 There was a long debate on the question of a sixth boxer being selected following the recommendation for five by the National Coaching Committee .
23 A long debate has raged about whether the tip should be flattened or preserved as a monument of the ironstone industry .
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