Example sentences of "a small minority " in BNC.

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1 Only a small minority of tenants were taking guest beers and few of them were worried about losing them , Tuppen claimed .
2 A small minority of competitors are very much in danger of spoiling the good image of equestrian sport , ’ she said .
3 The left is in a small minority in every bit of the party that matters — the executive , the Shadow Cabinet , the party conference .
4 This contrast is a familiar one in the sociology of policing and the subject of much comment , all of which argues that only a small minority of policemen and women define their work in terms of social service .
5 At the start only 14 per cent of our panel reported Labour stressing these issues , but the figure rose to 20 per cent in the fourth week and 32 per cent in the fifth as Labour sought to divert attention away from defence and to move on from unemployment , which directly affected only a small minority , to education and especially the National Health Service , which directly affected the vast majority of the electorate .
6 Only a small minority of voters in our panel thought that television was biased and they were not agreed upon the direction of that bias .
7 The range of available papers , judged by their partisanship , was inadequate for either the Libertarian or Public Service Ideals , though left-wing perspectives were articulated by a small minority of the press .
8 They were to be very ‘ diplomatic ’ with recalcitrant poor peasants , and on no account were they to take to court more than a small minority in any one area , even if a majority were guilty .
9 In 1978 his views were shared by a small minority in the party .
10 ‘ That sort of route would be impractical but it might help solve the exessses that a small minority of anglers get up to . ’
11 Garry Whannel traced four main themes in the analysis of football hooliganism in the popular press in the 1970s : fans were ‘ mindless/senseless ’ ; they were ‘ maniacs/lunatics ’ ; ‘ foul/subhuman ’ ( which led some fans to chant back at the police and the respectable public ‘ We hate humans ’ ) ; finally that they were ‘ so-called supporters ’ and in a small minority , i.e. they made up only a very small percentage of the crowd and they had little interest in the game itself .
12 The ‘ moderates ’ are a small minority , while into the category of ‘ extremists ’ falls that whole band of opinion ranging from the tougher section of the Labour Party , through the Likud , to the outright fanatics , nationalist and religious , of the far right .
13 Ms Brenda Dean , general secretary of Sogat ( Society of Graphical and Alled Trades ) said : ‘ The decision will give the green light to a small minority of cynical police officers , encouraging them to build in unnecessary delays when they are investigating their own . ’
14 THE Government has promised random inspection of ‘ puppy farms ’ — where dogs are bred for sale — after allegations in a Commons debate yesterday of ‘ horrific ’ treatment by a small minority of breeders , writes Martin Linton .
15 Now , this just might be true for a small minority of women of 5 ft 5 in.
16 At the beginning of September 1942 , the German 6th Army under General Paulus had reached Stalingrad — a city whose capture would have had symbolic significance ; on 19 November a major Soviet counter-offensive had begun and led , within only a few weeks , to the encirclement of the 250,000 men of the 6th Army ; by Christmas 1942 the situation was as good as hopeless ; on 10 January , the last Russian assault commenced ; on 31 January Paulus — disobeying orders of the Führer that the troops had to fight to the last man — surrendered , and almost 90,000 survivors entered Soviet captivity , from whom only a small minority were to return .
17 The extreme anti Jewish sentiments expressed in letters from soldiers at the Front , though evidently a small minority of the overall services ’ mail , also sometimes included direct references to Hitler 's stance on the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , interpreting the war in classical Nazi fashion as a struggle brought about by the Jews and destined to end in their destruction .
18 Although only a small minority of Europeans live in disadvantaged rural areas the land which they occupy constitutes as much as half of the total surface area of western Europe .
19 Only a small minority correspond to the image .
20 A small minority , led by Rosa Luxemburg , Radek and Leo Jogiches , opposed the second demand .
21 Although only a small minority of elderly households lack basic amenities or live in unfit dwellings , it is also important to question the suitability of the housing stock for older people 's needs .
22 There were a small minority of property-holders who could retire on their revenues , at a time of their choosing .
23 While some senior policemen , like Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Kenneth Newman , wanted to stress the link between the police and other areas of ‘ social policy ’ ( Metropolitan Police , 1986 ) , the official government response attempted to decontextualize the riots and see them as the actions of a small minority who were either criminalized or influenced by extreme political ideas .
24 The surveys confirmed what public librarians know from practical experience — that reservation pressure comes mainly from a small minority of users , and mainly for new fiction and non-fiction titles reviewed in the Sunday and daily newspapers .
25 And the decision on timing should not be based — as it sometimes is in public libraries — upon reservation pressure from a small minority of the library 's clientele .
26 At later stages a few problems did develop , but they involved only a small minority of the cases .
27 Police officers who expressed a racist ideology are certainly a small minority .
28 It may be for everyone who comes to buy a ticket , but those who do choose to go are a small minority of the population .
29 This group represents a small minority of satanists .
30 A small minority of overdose patients have psychological difficulties for which a problem-solving approach will be insufficient , except in helping resolve the current crisis .
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