Example sentences of "a small amount " in BNC.

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1 Fit the screw cap with the bung and airlock and put a small amount of water in the airlock .
2 Mr Hirst added that Hilton had been discussing the possibility of moving into India and had already evaluated properties in Delhi and Bombay with the aim of a management contract with a small amount of equity .
3 As they move the stick forwards a small amount , causing only the slightest reduction in ‘ g ’ , their response to the resulting sensation is almost always to move even further forwards , making the sensation worse .
4 Normally you will want to use full side-slip for a few seconds rather than a small amount of slip for a much longer time .
5 Try to get a small amount of airbrake on and keep the glider off the ground as long as you can , even if it floats a long way into the airfield .
6 She took out her Ambre Solaire and rubbed a small amount on her nose .
7 You know we only imported a small amount but all the same there was always enough to meet demand .
8 Toton was a pivotal Speedlink yard in 1980 but its status had been reduced to that of staging and storage sidings , plus a small amount of household coal shunting , by the end of the decade .
9 To fill the vertical joints , turn the hawk and separate off a small amount of mortar , lifting it on the underside of the trowel
10 The men said they had survived by eating seabirds , fish and seaweed , in addition to a limited supply of stores , which included apples and kiwi fruit , mouldy rice , tinned soft drinks and a small amount of fresh water .
11 The Ombudsman can not rescind planning permission but can insist that the council gives an apology , and possibly a small amount of compensation .
12 If a family held a small amount of land and was in a village with a large number of households , its strips could be so small and scattered that too much time was spent in travelling between strips .
13 A small amount of excavation down to a new lower-level concrete floor slab then provided sufficient height for two habitable storeys in the central zone of the building ( Fig 42 ) .
14 Other attractive features , which help to show the age and history of the house , are two winding back stairs with oak treads , a small amount of panelling , cupboards with a delicate dentil cornice , the pamments ( great clay tiles ) on several of the floors ( now relaid over insulation ) , and a number of the original latticed tripartite windows ( an oriel flanked by two small windows ) .
15 ‘ It 's good to see that a small amount can achieve so much . ’
16 A small amount of coffee can be soothing and help relieve tiredness ; it also sharpens the concentration .
17 The Connecticut engineering company does a small amount of sensitive nuclear-weapons work for the American government .
18 Given reasonable precautions and a small amount of money , cholera can be effectively fought .
19 She could make a small amount singing , or whatever .
20 I was expecting the usual French style of service , with an ice-bucket and a carafe of chilled water , and two glasses containing a small amount of Pernod at the bottom .
21 ( I was well aware that the man in the bushes was not Mrs Browning 's only worry , and that she lived on interest from a small amount of capital fast diminishing in value .
22 He declared contemptuously that their only well-developed mental quality was their memory , that they only had a small amount of intelligence , and that they were ‘ incapable of affection for man. ,
23 Modern refining techniques mean that for every barrel of crude oil refined , there will be a split between diesel and petrol fuels that can only be varied a small amount .
24 Since the full tanks weighing about 240 tons each are in balance , one against the other ( by Archimedes ' principle , the loading of the vessels into the tank makes no difference to the overall weight of the tank ) , only a small amount of power is necessary to cause them to move .
25 The boilers to raise the necessary steam were of ‘ Lancashire ’ type , the characteristics of which enable a small amount of steam to be supplied over long periods with a minimum of attention , which was the type of duty envisaged for this plant .
26 However , when I stripped the pump off the block , cleaned it and left it on the workbench , I noticed it had leaked a small amount of oil from a 1.5mm hole located near the back underside of the pump .
27 Perhaps the gearbox to transfer box oil seal is faulty , but when I check the oil levels a few weeks after filling to the correct level a small amount is missing from the main box , a much greater amount from the transfer box and the overdrive is full or near full , ?
28 Try sealing the cap with a small amount of silicone sealer before replacing in the rocker box .
29 So here is an attempt to try to answer some of those questions by direct substitution or with a small amount of modification .
30 Counter sunk rivets may be used and then skimmed with a small amount of body filler to hide them .
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