Example sentences of "a few species " in BNC.

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1 Willows of a few species are abundant along some of the rills , but seldom attain a height of three feet .
2 Most molluscs are small , a few centimetres long and some are really tiny , but a few species have attained considerable dimensions .
3 A few species generally resembling this one occur in Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks .
4 Living Iridomyrmex are found principally in Australia and South America , with a few species in India .
5 Other places may contain only a few species , yet the biomass at least at some seasons can be very high ; and this is true of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans .
6 Whereas tropical forests may contain hundreds of species of trees , temperate forests typically contain only a few species ( oak with ash , yew with beech ) or even only one ( as in the redwood or cedar forests of North America ) .
7 A survey of the biota of the river between 1979 and 1981 revealed that the macroinvertebrate fauna had been adversely affected , involving loss of diversity and the proliferation of a few species which are tolerant of high levels of pollution .
8 In all these cases , the bone accumulations resulting from burial , pitfalls , burrow deaths and hibernation/aestivation deaths are distinguished by their limitation to one or a few species but with all parts of the skeleton represented unbroken and well preserved .
9 Bone accumulations such as these are usually self-evident , and while they indicate which animals were present in an area , their limitation to a few species restricts their usefulness for ecological interpretation .
10 In either case , the same degree of dominance of a small mammal assemblage by one or a few species may be achieved , but by different means .
11 In most groups studied in detail , a few species are extremely abundant and many are scarce .
12 Compare that to a whole forest in the UK that may contain just a few species .
13 He subdivided this very large genus into several ‘ sections ’ , each of which contained species which were similar to each other and probably closely related — though there are a few species which , in typical cichlid fashion , do n't seem to fit properly anywhere .
14 There are only a few species of plants which grow floating on the water surface and are considered as useful for the heated aquarium .
15 Yet the caterpillars of a few species are well protected from predators ; they are highly distasteful , possessing a coat of irritant hairs , while others bear spines and venom .
16 In a few species such recognition may be inborn , but in the majority it has to be learned by experience .
17 But in a few species , such as the clown fishes ( Amphiprion ) , individuals start life as males and a proportion later become females ( protandry ) ( Fricke & Fricke , 1977 ) .
18 There 's a lot of movement of bird species at this time of year , so quite a few species may turn up , some quite unexpectedly .
19 Most boletus fungi are good to eat , but a few species , such as the Devil 's bolete boletus satanas are poisonous .
20 Apart from a few species of northern waders which regularly spend the winter in the islands , the rest of the birds recorded are wind-blown vagrants from South America .
21 These creatures , like the ammonites , have had their day , but a few species known as sea lilies still survive in the ocean depths .
22 Many other substances play a minor role as insect pigments , occurring either in small amounts or only in a few species .
23 Detailed experimental analyses of wing-movements during flight are available for only a few species and probably differ in different insects ( Weis-Fogh , 1956a , 1956b ; Jensen , 1956 ; Jensen and Weis-Fogh , 1962 ; Nachtigall , 1966 ; Neville , 1960 ; Vogel , 1966–67 ) .
24 These high-pitched sounds are unlikely to be heard by passing fish , however , because although a few species , such as minnows , can hear as high as 8000 hertz , the majority are most sensitive to low frequencies and hear little above 500 hertz .
25 Only a few species inhabit both polar regions ; each region has recruited almost entirely from its own hemisphere .
26 Both are slow processes ; the establishment of a typical antarctic plant community involving only a few species may take centuries or even millennia ( Lamb , 1970 ) .
27 The presence of soils in turn ensures the presence of breeding petrels that burrow in soils , or require the dense vegetation for nesting , and of a few species of birds ( and indeed of introduced mammals ) that live entirely on the resources of the land .
28 Polar adaptations of a few species , so far as they are recognized , are discussed in Chapter 6 .
29 Birds are prominent on the tundra , especially in summer when migrant waders and waterfowl pour in from the south ; only a few species are year-round residents .
30 Outside the months of breeding all but a few species disappear to wintering grounds well south of the Arctic Circle ; thus the arctic has over 150 species of breeding land birds , but only eight of them reside on the tundra all the year round .
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