Example sentences of "a good friend " in BNC.

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1 ( Recall Fodor 's example of blinking when a good friend goes to poke us in the eye . )
2 This plan came to grief , however , when Waters , in an attempt to establish friendly relations , gave a prospective producer a copy of one of his books , which showed the idiosyncratic director palling up with one of Charles Manson 's gang — a gesture which was in even worse taste than it might sound , as the producer proved to have been a good friend of one of the gang 's victims .
3 ‘ Norman Lamont is a good friend of the NHS and I am sure — or I think I am sure — that he will prove it , ’ Mr Clarke said .
4 In 1942 he was picked out by Alec Harvey-Bailey ( later to become a senior Rolls-Royce figure and a good friend ) to join the defect investigation department , analysing war-service failures in Merlin , Griffon and Vulture engines .
5 For the last five years , a good friend of mine has suffered from panic attacks .
6 You 've been a good friend but unfortunately this is not going to be enough to help your friend .
7 'He was a good friend to me , ’ Richard said .
8 Many people lost a good friend when Philip Tompson died suddenly and unexpectedly last year .
9 He was a good friend indeed .
10 I used to get them various gigs at the Marquee Club in Wardour Street and the Roundhouse , and some dates at universities throughout the country , but there was n't an awful lot coming in although I did succeed in getting him a TV appearance and the producer , who was a good friend of mine , said , ‘ I 'll not have this guy on my programme with long hair ’ . ’
11 They were happy , I think , that I had found such a good friend , and did everything they could to make him feel at home .
12 You have been a good friend to me when there was no one else ; and you have given me back my health .
13 She was a county councillor and a good friend .
14 The next step , then , is to ask a good friend ( preferably one whose height is about the same as yours and whose appearance you admire ) to take his or her own measurements .
15 Alexander was grieved to lose such a good friend , and built the city Bucephalia in memory of him .
16 He was a good friend of Hans Sloane , on whose behalf Miller wrote with thanks for plants and later passed on a prescription for gout : patience and flannel .
17 Gemayel was also a good friend of Israel and the CIA was hoping to get him elected as president of Lebanon .
18 John was proving to be a good friend as well as brother-in-law .
19 She had arrived in Paris in 1912 and soon became a good friend of Soutine and a familiar Montparnasse character .
20 Fernande Olivier , Picasso 's mistress , described him as stingy , but he was a good friend to Modigliani , encouraged him to paint and lent him colours , brushes and canvas .
21 I had with me a good friend who knows the region well — he lives there — and he was following our route on a map .
22 This meant we were playing with Paul in the third round and that was good news for me because Paul 's caddie is a good friend of mine , Kevin Woodward .
23 Chapman was a sidesman at the church and a good friend of the vicar , the Reverend Norman Boyd , who was a regular guest at Arsenal 's home matches .
24 She is a strict disciplinarian treated with great respect by her customers , but she is kind-hearted and a good friend to Lizzie Hexam .
25 In my spare time I saw a lot of John Keay , an Agriculture graduate of the U. of Saskatchewan and a good friend , as well as Jerry Harwood and Quincey Moffat with whom I was closely associated in organizing the annual Boys ' Parliament elections .
26 A good friend of mine had joined and I really liked the uniform .
27 It was not a question requiring an answer — Weasel was a good friend from art school days and often dropped in unannounced .
28 As a good friend of mine once commented , ‘ If man could only see his aura , he would never go to war . ’
29 In fact , a good friend of mine , Ruth Dayan , once studied a particular species of ant in the Israeli desert .
30 And my coat , my big army coat , which is forty years old now but still a good friend , and as strong as ever , became a remarkable sight .
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