Example sentences of "a good idea " in BNC.

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1 It would also be a good idea to read something by the French dramatist , Molière , their great contemporary , who satirises the hypocrisies of cultivated society ; I recommend Tartuffe about a religious imposter and La Malade Imaginaire , a satire on the medical profession .
2 Do you think it a good idea coming into drama training direct from school ?
3 Also , academic life had not exactly left me well-off and it seemed like a good idea to try to earn a slightly larger salary so that I would have something to put towards my eventual retirement .
4 A bit more cash in your purse might be a good idea and you said you wanted to work .
5 But do n't add any fertiliser ; these plants will have to stand through the winter , so it 's not a good idea to encourage too much soft growth .
6 Not only must you spray regularly , but it 's a good idea to vary the brand of spray that you use ; the nasty wee beasties soon develop resistance if you use the same one over and over again , and that 's something worth taking the time to avoid .
7 It is a good idea to add an extra 5 or 10 p.s.i .
8 It is also a good idea to make covers of some kind for the trailer tyres .
9 It is a good idea to say the key words aloud every time as you check each item so that it becomes a habit .
10 At this point it is a good idea to say out loud to yourself , ‘ Now I am going to land ’ , and from then on not to change your mind .
11 Choosing a field some distance upwind on the other hand , is not such a good idea .
12 It 's a good idea to ask your doctor to check your blood pressure each visit .
13 Do decide whether it 's a good idea to bring up the subject of drugs yourself .
14 A visit to the dentist in the early months of pregnancy is a good idea .
15 Messy cow , bloody garlic all over clothes , not a good idea .
16 It 's not a good idea . ’
17 The use of small glue blocks along the inside of the joint is also a good idea .
18 At this particular point , when marking details , it is sometimes a good idea to use a very small U-gouge .
19 Having spent much of the glorious summer last year sitting in the shade of the apple tree I decided that if such summers were to continue it would be a good idea to build a permanent seat around the tree .
20 Although we could n't speak the language , there were enough ‘ … issimos ’ attached to the adjectives to give a good idea of what the locals thought of the route , and the frequent appearance of numbers like VIII , VII+ , A4 and A3 on the topo seemed more in keeping with our previous experience than the more modest gradings given by Ron James .
21 It 's a good idea to experiment with different set-ups , using temporary light fittings until you are happy , before making holes in the wall or the ceiling to fit the lights .
22 Since colours can vary slightly , it 's important to buy all the tiles you need at once to ensure that they 're from the same batch ; it 's also a good idea to unpack and mix them before fixing them , to even out any colour variations .
23 While extremely hardwearing , they are n't a good idea if you 're prone to dropping things — the tiles wo n't break , but whatever you drop will .
24 It 's a good idea to check with your local veterinary centre .
25 Oh well , it depends how things turn out — we 'll see — soon enough — is it a good idea to go there or not ?
26 Would it be a good idea , perhaps , to introduce exit visas ?
27 Chairmen and chief executives will eventually become weary of their audit partner explaining why a particular merger with another firm was first a good idea and then a bad idea .
28 Although this seemed a good idea at the time , current strategy at WH Smith is to have full control , as in the buying up of 100 per cent of Molinaire , the TV services company , in July .
29 By and large , he was saying what most ordinary people think : that it is not a good idea for very young girls to embark on motherhood , especially if they are poor or a bit dim .
30 ‘ It would be a good idea if other sports followed . ’
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