Example sentences of "a clear day " in BNC.

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1 If you do pick a clear day , tops from Scafell to Pendle Hill can be picked out and , beyond the glint of Morecambe Bay , Snaefell on the Isle of Man is sometimes visible more than 80 miles away .
2 From here , on a clear day , you can see right across the Moyle channel to Scotland , less than 13 miles away .
3 You can see over Epping Forest to High Beach church , over Shooter 's Hill to the South Downs , and on a clear day , down the shining ribbon of the Thames you can see St Paul 's cathedral .
4 Indeed , if you are lucky , on a clear day you might just be able to see the spring bubbling up at the bottom of the pond .
5 At Carn Brea , near Redruth , on a clear day , the sea can be seen in three directions .
6 The central vista is a high dyke leading to an observation tower where visitors can spiral up 75m for a bird's-eye view of the site and — on a clear day — Rotterdam and the North Sea .
7 On a clear day you can see no less than 7 lakes .
8 On a clear day on the equator , at noon , each square metre of the Earth 's surface receives about one kilowatt ( kW ) of solar energy ; that is , one hundred kilocalories ( kcal ) per hour .
9 On a clear day it is possible to see both the English and Bristol Channels ; the distant Quantocks and Mendips frame the Somerset Levels , with Glastonbury Tor rising mysteriously out of the mists .
10 Vincente Minnelli , a director of the old school and greatly renowned and respected for such classics as The Band Wagon and An American in Paris , was looking for a touch of modernism to attract a young audience to a rather old-fashioned film called On a Clear Day You Can See Forever .
11 Rex Reed , a writer for the New York Times saw Nicholson when he had just finished making On A Clear Day and thought that Jack was starting to make establishment noises , cleaning up his image , shaving his stubble and ditching the sandals and hippie clothes .
12 There was no question that he could have gone into some major productions and worked with some of the more notable directors ; he refused point blank , especially after seeing On a Clear Day .
13 It 's a scenic coastal route from which , on a clear day , the Isle of Wight comes into view .
14 On a clear day Hoy , ‘ the high island ’ , seems so near that one imagines one might stretch out a hand and run fingers down its jagged red cliffs .
15 To the south , beyond Ben Hee , the sharp point of Quinag rears above Glen Coul ; mighty Ben More Assynt , the highest peak in Sutherland ; Canisp , Suilven and , on a clear day , the mountains of Fisherfield and Flowerdale Forests : An Teallach , by Destitution Road , and Slioch , the Spear , guarding Loch Maree .
16 However , from the summit of Canisp , on a clear day , you will be rewarded by one of the most stunning views in Scotland .
17 A number of boards have been rescued trying to make the long sail to the Isle of Wight off the British coast , which , on a clear day , appears far closer than it actually is .
18 The Firth was much broader here than at Dalmeny and , if it had not been a clear day , Corbett could have almost believed they were out on the open sea .
19 Not surprisingly , the steep climb to the inner ward at the top is rewarded by possibly the most stunning views from any castle in England — to the west the Welsh mountains , to the east the Pennines and , on a clear day , the Wrekin to the south east .
20 On a clear day there are magnificent views from all along this road as well as from the summit , and you can look down on all sides of the island , even to Porto Santo .
21 A Robinson R-22 helicopter was being flown in America on a clear day , with visibility 45 miles .
22 On a clear day the Black Mountains of Wales can even be made out to the north-east .
23 Stan Weatherall and ‘ Darkie ’ A. Harrison paddled their two-man canoe from Salen down the broad , rocky loch Sunart into the open sea on a clear day in February 1941 .
24 Beyond the woods lay a valley and in the valley a lake , where the ruins of a fine Georgian house were reflected on a clear day .
25 On a clear day you can see the Cathedral . ’
26 On a clear day you can even see the Isle of Man .
27 On a clear day you can see as far as Dublin from the Great Car of Donard ( or so they say ) , but mist or heat haze have always foreshortened the view for me .
28 On a clear day — and they 're not that uncommon — the panoramas may take in up to 15 counties .
29 This is truly wild country dotted with rocky outcrops and , even on a clear day , occasional compass checks are reassuring .
30 Even on a clear day in the country , you can look along the tube there , along from Auntie Muriel 's , and not be able to see the city for smog .
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