Example sentences of "a right for " in BNC.

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1 Like any legal agreement , if there is a material breach by either party there should be a right for the injured party to terminate the contract .
2 Liberal Democrats believe that a pension should be a right for everyone .
3 The right of establishment granted by Community law includes a right for a company incorporated in one member state ( the home member state ) to establish a branch in another member state ( the host member state ) .
4 There is no legal right to protect or demonstrate — merely a right for the present to say what one likes provided that it is lawful whether by way of ‘ protest ’ or otherwise ; or a right to pass to and fro along the highway in a reasonable manner and for a proper purpose , whether carrying a banner or not .
5 This new legislation would create , in particular : a right for users of public services to restrain unlawful industrial action ; the provision of a right for union members to obtain more information on their unions ' financial affairs , including union leaders ' salaries ; protection against the use of what are called ‘ check-off ’ arrangements under which subscriptions to the union are deducted from the workers ' pay ; and greater freedom for people to join the union of their choice .
6 This new legislation would create , in particular : a right for users of public services to restrain unlawful industrial action ; the provision of a right for union members to obtain more information on their unions ' financial affairs , including union leaders ' salaries ; protection against the use of what are called ‘ check-off ’ arrangements under which subscriptions to the union are deducted from the workers ' pay ; and greater freedom for people to join the union of their choice .
7 However , except in the reference to the TUC 's report on industrial democracy , it provides no evidence of opinion in support of the recognition of a right for trade unions , acting on behalf of employees , to share with management , acting on behalf of owners , in the control of companies : that is to say , no evidence of opinion in support of a case for a ‘ radical extension ’ , as prescribed by the terms of reference , of the unions ' role .
8 This movement as part of the popular movement is working for a just and democratic society free from foreign intervention where the rhetoric of ‘ health for all ’ will be a reality — health as a right for all Filipinos .
9 As rights are issued in the form of a right for so many old shares held we can calculate the impact of the fractional right on the old share value .
10 Example 2:1 Parcels clause of office suite ALL THAT suite of rooms on the floor of the building known as ( excluding the outer faces of the walls enclosing the said building and its roof and roof structure but including the structure supporting the floor of the said rooms ) and for the purpose of identification only edged in red on the attached plan Example 2:2 Parcels clause of open land ALL THAT parcel of land in and numbered on the Ordnance Map ( 1968 edition ) for the said district a copy of which is attached hereto ( including the entirety of the hedge and ditch on the western boundary of enclosure number but excluding the entirety of the hedges and ditches on the northern boundaries of the said enclosures and the entirety of the road on the southern boundaries thereof ) Example 2:3 Parcels clause of building excluding airspace ALL THAT building known as shown edged red on the attached plan but excluding the airspace lying above the existing roof of that building together with a right for the tenant with or without workmen to enter that airspace for the sole purpose of inspecting the building or carrying out any works for which the tenant is liable under this lease Example 2:4 Parcels clause with details of boundaries ALL THAT the floor of the building known as ( " the property " ) including ( i ) all non-loadbearing walls situated wholly within the red edging on the attached plan ( ii ) one half ( severed vertically ) of all non-loadbearing walls separating the property from any other part of the building ( iii ) all plaster or other decorative finish applied to any wall bounding the property and not included in paragraphs ( i ) or ( ii ) above or applied to any column or loadbearing wall within the property ( iv ) the whole of all doors door frames windows window frames ( including mastic joints or seals ) bounding the property ( v ) all ceilings bounding the property and any void between any suspended ceiling and the structural slat above ( vi ) all floor finishes and floor screeds including raised floors and floor jacks supporting such floors ( vii ) all light fittings and air conditioning units incorporated in any ceiling but not any other part of the air conditioning system
11 It is advisable for the precise extent of the centre to be readily identifiable and the tenant should take care to ensure that where there is a right for the landlord to extend or reduce the centre , such extension or reduction does not adversely affect the tenant 's use or occupation of the premises and that there is provision for any specific service charge percentages to be varied accordingly .
12 By reserving a right for the landlord to carry out the works in the event of the tenant 's default , the landlord does in fact run a slight risk pursuant to s 4(4) of the Defective Premises Act 1972 but the risk is small compared to the relative advantage of the re-entry provision .
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