Example sentences of "a large scale " in BNC.

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1 Limiting a bed or an area of a border to all the various shades of a single colour produces a sophisticated effect , although on a larger scale it may appear monotonous unless relieved by a subtle use of green or variegated foliage .
2 It exposes on a minuscule scale a widely misunderstood but tiresome fact which Australia , Canada and other nations spawned by Britain have learned and taught on a larger scale .
3 The policy paper of March 2 , A Safer Britain for Women , sets forth the core of Labour 's programme to interpose the state between men and women , artificially dividing them and their interests as effectively as , on a larger scale , it plans to prise apart the peoples of the United Kingdom .
4 The other evidence of the great depth of foundations is the sectional drawing of the incline in the booklet published in 1904 and a larger scale drawing .
5 He defined the need for special forces in the area : first as troops for post-occupational duties in captured territories ; second , as ‘ small raiding parties of the thug variety , for which we have L Detachment S.A.S. Brigade and the Special Boat Section ’ ; and finally as raiding parties on a larger scale which was the original purpose in retaining the old Middle East Commando .
6 But the domain has shifted from the world of molecules to a larger scale .
7 It requires a larger scale of staff resources than would normally be available , and in a climate of economic cut-backs this is a serious limitation .
8 The splitting on the shaft of the tibia again follows the collagen fibre orientations , but that on the head of the femur seems more likely to be structural on a larger scale due to the rounded shape of the femur head .
9 Tory grandees ( there are not many of those left ) specialise in agriculture and foreign affairs , the latter being estate management on a larger scale , while the simpler Tory backbencher shouts ‘ hear , hear ’ at Prime Minister 's Questions and is rude about M Delors .
10 That , too , was on a larger scale than anything she had ever known .
11 Johnstone of Lochwood and Jardine of Applegirth led the way , in their element , for this was just their accustomed Border reiving on a larger scale , and they knew all the hidden ways to go , darkness hereafter no trouble , since that was normal for the business .
12 He was no carpenter but he did his best and he began to sell wood on a larger scale .
13 On a larger scale one might observe that his lifelong preoccupation with words gave him a kind of sensitivity to them , even if it was an unorthodox one ; and further that it is strange that a myth should so make its way if enshrined and embodied in words as inappropriate as critics have made out .
14 Have you ever thought of knitting them on a larger scale ?
15 She was certainly that , But she meant on a larger scale , A cosmic scale , We were all lost ; but one day we 'd be saved .
16 On the other hand teaching machines are one way of utilising the skilled teacher on a larger scale than his personal activity in the classroom .
17 For smaller pictures I use hardboard , but on a larger scale it can warp , which MDF will not .
18 I have drawn this chart to a larger scale because it provides an excellent check of the limiting magnitude of binoculars .
19 Another example , but on a larger scale , is at Castor and Water Newton in the Nene Valley , where to the north of the walled town there are about two square miles full of buildings and sites associated with the extensive pottery industry with a centre of some kind in Castor village ( fig. 7.3 ) .
20 The language of the Sonata No. 3 is Schoenbergian but on a larger scale than anything Schoenberg wrote for solo piano : Krenek has a more obvious strain of Viennese lyricism , which serves him through all his style changes .
21 In many ways , he believes his situation to be a microcosm of what is happening on a larger scale in the industry .
22 From these various details , a picture begins to emerge of something of considerable import occurring in Gethsemane that night — something on a larger scale than is generally envisaged , and something involving rather more than ‘ a band of men ’ .
23 ( b ) Development of learning and teaching by providing information about progress or diagnosis of learning difficulties ; also , on a larger scale , for appraisal of the course of instruction .
24 Erm but of course to provide erm electricity on a larger scale , you ca n't put these things too close together , you need about er a thousand of those to , for example , to replace say a power station like Didcot and er and a thousand of these windmills would o occupy about three hundred square miles , and this is what three hundred square miles looks like er it 's , it 's the major part of , of central L you would n't put them in central London of course but erm gives you some idea of the sort of area you 'd have to devote to wind farms if you were to use this particular type of er of energy .
25 Saint-Jean-Baptiste is the culmination of the Basque style , being on a larger scale than other churches in the Basque country ; it shows that what , in villages such as Sare , or Itxassou , or Ainhoa , is a warmly communal style of decoration , can also be a majestic one .
26 It would be mistaken to assume , however , that developments on a larger scale , financed by more prosperous contractors , were necessarily an improvement .
27 On a larger scale , this type of production can incorporate such enterprises as Ercol furniture or Dartington glass .
28 Some blockhouses were small and short-lived , but others proved to have been placed advantageously and after several years would be reconstructed on a larger scale to form a frontier town .
29 Although small scale operations might be undertaken by quite small communities with only simple equipment , intensive mining on a larger scale involved a concentration of disciplined labour , as well as capital resources , of a kind available only to societies organized as states .
30 The progress of physics from Aristotle through Newton to Einstein provides an example on a larger scale .
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