Example sentences of "a large extent " in BNC.

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1 Our modern life is based to a larger extent than is usually realised upon faith in the honesty of the other .
2 No system is perfect , though , and a great deal still depends on the skill and experience of the excavation team ; to a larger extent , an excavation is only as good as its excavators .
3 Thus Lawani found that French agronomists cite older literature ( more than 15 years old ) to a larger extent than do American agronomists .
4 To some extent , to a larger extent , I agree with what says .
5 How far the glider rolls over into the beginning of the spin depends to a large extent on the amount of yaw present .
6 To a large extent this is perhaps inevitably a criticism of the chairman from September 1983 , Robert Reid .
7 To a large extent , the election has been fought on the airwaves , with both candidates delivering television advertisements attacking each other .
8 As far as the administration is concerned , the debate over what to do next is governed to a large extent by what the American people say they are prepared to sacrifice to force General Noriega to retire or return to the United States to answer drug trafficking charges .
9 In part that may reflect real changes in public opinion but to a large extent it merely reflects sampling and other administrative errors .
10 Capital equipment ( except in expanding lines like cement ) and , to a large extent , labour employed , remain constant whether or not producing at full capacity .
11 This has led to the tying of aid to a large extent to inappropriate or unduly expensive goods from the donor 's country , to sharp annual variations in the volume of aid flows and to a lack of commitment to real coordination with other donors .
12 The obvious fact that stressful circumstances , such as anger or danger , are not conducive to going to sleep is due to adrenalin to a large extent .
13 The Forum could also count to a large extent on the backing of their Socialist and People 's parties .
14 The Forum could also count to a large extent on the support of the Socialist and People 's Parties .
15 The equitable rules about penalties were , however , to a large extent already introduced into the Common Law Courts by statutes passed at the end of the seventeenth and early in the eighteenth century .
16 As regards property , it should be noticed that law and practice , to a large extent , make it unlikely that property of any considerable value will come into the direct ownership of an infant .
17 Archaeology and museums have not , of course , contributed to the massive commercial pressures underlying this trend , but to a large extent they can sit back and reap the benefits .
18 Remarks coming to the ears of SD agents were , therefore , to a large extent self-selective in their conformity .
19 Thus to a large extent a horse is what it is through the formation of many habits .
20 It was all presided over and to a large extent inspired by a line of kings who personified and embodied the aspirations of this impressive little kingdom .
21 To no other , to no less divine a source can I trace the movement ’ , but as we have seen , other speakers , like Joseph Parker , were more perceptive while the 1897 National Council president admitted that ‘ perhaps it can scarcely be denied that in some of our earliest Nonconformist Councils … at first the inspiration was to a large extent political ’ .
22 His supporters say his energy has enabled him to succeed to a large extent in holding the Palestinian movement together during a series of splits and crises .
23 If this analysis is broadly correct , Labour 's problems go deep — and to a large extent are beyond the party 's control .
24 Against a background of rising unemployment and deepening recession , blamed to a large extent on economic mismanagement by Tories in London , some feared John Major 's staunch defence of the Union could only drive more voters to Labour and the Liberal Democrats , both promising a Scottish Parliament .
25 Three Senior Professional Officers ( SPOs ) were rapidly appointed to County Hall posts to act as a channel of communication for the CMHTs ( for the sake of simplicity , the key contribution of the SPOs is subsumed to a large extent within our discussion of the CMHTs ) .
26 This book is to a large extent an exercise in extrapolation .
27 This is particularly evident in the igneous complex in south Harris , where , for example , the anorthosite — a wedge-shaped outcrop of rock trending eastwards from Roneval hill — is almost completely altered at Lingara Bay in the east , from a pale purple , feldspathic rock to a dense , white rock , composed to a large extent of epidote group minerals .
28 To a large extent technology has eroded much of MI6 's original style of work while modern communications make it difficult for political decisions to remain secret for very long even behind the Iron Curtain .
29 The case hinged , however , on whether the administration of the drug caused the death , and thus to a large extent , the pathological evidence .
30 Due , to a large extent , to the activities of the voluntary organisations , who have always been in the forefront in guiding policy on this issue , much has been achieved .
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