Example sentences of "a finance company " in BNC.

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1 An applicant for a job with a finance company claimed he had taken a lengthy career break which turned out to be a prison term for robbery .
2 Moneylender Cash loan usually between £30 and £1,000 from a local firm ( or broker who fixes it with a finance company ) , usually without security and for a fixed period ( anything from days to years ) ; may be paid in fixed instalments or lump sum ; interest rate fixed at start .
3 Usually the shop sells the goods , a finance company pays the shop , and the buyer pays back the finance house , usually in month instalments up to two-and-a-half years ; interest rate fixed at start .
4 I told her that my ability as a golfer had secured me a good job at a finance company and a certain amount of time off for local competitions .
5 In addition to the consumer who plans to buy the car , there is a dealer who runs a franchised retail outlet , a property owner from whom he leases the premises , a finance company which provides the consumer purchasers with credit , and a manufacturing company which supplies the dealer with automobiles under a requirements contract and probably a credit arrangement as well .
6 where the retailer failed to insure automobiles which had been repossessed after the consumer had missed payments on the credit arrangements provided by a finance company .
7 By this time , however , the appellant was encountering financial problems , and the company likewise , to the extent that in February 1986 a finance company obtained judgment against the appellant in respect of a loan of £4,000 and the company went into liquidation in February 1987 .
8 Ltd. v. Bridger was a case in which a son had procured his elderly parents to charge their house with the repayment to a finance company of a loan to him of £3,500 .
9 In Edwin Hill & Partners v. First National Finance Corporation a finance company which had a legal charge over B 's property to secure a loan came to an arrangement with B whereby they would develop the property themselves rather than exercise their power of sale under the charge .
10 Today , however , it is common for the dealer to sell goods for cash to a finance company which then parts with them on instalment terms to the customer .
11 This form will have been supplied to the dealer by a finance company with whom the dealer maintains regular contact .
12 After this the customer made a hire-purchase contract , in the usual way , with a finance company .
13 Thus it is quite possible for a finance company to insist that some third person acts as a safeguard against the finance company making a loss on the transaction .
14 Harper spend f226 on repairing it and sold it to a finance company .
15 He asks for credit terms and , at the trader 's suggestion , he fills in a finance company 's hire purchase proposal form , which is in fact an offer made by the customer and addressed to the finance company to acquire the item from the finance company on hire purchase terms .
16 He agreed that he would enquire as to what terms could be obtained from a finance company and would then telephone Mrs. Hamblin to see if they were acceptable .
17 Moorgate Mercantile were a finance company which owned a car .
18 X sold a car to Y ( a car dealer ) who in turn sold it to Z ( a finance company ) .
19 In fact , unknown to the purchaser , the vendor was hiring the car under a hire purchase agreement with A finance company .
20 The two men were prosecuted in connection with the fraudulent bankruptcy of a finance company , Trans K-B , of which Kopp was president of the board of directors .
21 The house they lived in has been repossesed by a finance company , making 10 people and a baby homeless .
22 Peter Harris is fighting a possession order by a finance company which charges interest at thirty-nine per cent .
23 A finance company is seeking possession of the house near Oxford where Mr Harris lives with his wife and seven children .
24 On the day the bailiffs were due to repossess their home , a finance company has agreed to cancel some of their debts .
25 Well that 's o that is a finance company and not a building society .
26 Nine times out of ten , it 's a finance company .
27 Now , if that had been a finance company , I would have paid a damn sight more .
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