Example sentences of "a commitment to " in BNC.

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1 Joining CAMRA is a commitment to Britain 's best-known and most successful consumer organisation .
2 This year 's Third Focus programme aims to provide a refreshing range of films that have one thing in common ; a commitment to entertaining audiences without insulting their intelligence .
3 Chris Green announced that NSE had a commitment to quality improvements on all fronts , but with full-blooded business direction aimed at maximising the high profile of the sector , to which his famous red lamp posts gave an immediate impact .
4 What all Nicholson 's pubs share is a commitment to quality service , achieved through careful recruitment and training of staff .
5 Sir : Labour does not need a commitment to proportional representation in order to scoop most of the centre ground at the next general election .
6 The conference also approved the Britain in the Modern World policy review , which proposes : Cancelling one of the four planned Trident submarines ; Putting other Trident missiles and Polaris into international arms reduction talks ; Opposing the modernisation of short-range nuclear weapons in Europe ; A commitment to continued Nato membership , while arguing for the abandonment of its flexible response strategy ; Aiming to eliminate all nuclear weapons by 2000 ; Adoption of a policy of no first use of British nuclear weapons ; Decisions The conference yesterday : Rejected a motion which would have committed the party to phasing out nuclear power stations within 15 years .
7 For Becker , a sporting life with capitalism has returned to normal as he mulls over details before signing a commitment to the mega-buck Association of Tennis Professionals Tour , which starts in January .
8 Voting will not be announced until this morning — but gay campaigners were cheered by delegates when they protested that the party 's policy review had replaced a commitment to ‘ full equality ’ for gays with ‘ greater equality ’ .
9 Fearing it would lose general election votes , party leaders avoided any reference to a common age of consent in the policy review and replaced a commitment to ‘ full equality ’ for gays with ‘ greater equality ’ .
10 He added that £10m had been invested in equipment and there was a commitment to the future ; growing export markets , particularly in Japan , were being exploited and the quarry would be Bethesda 's main employer for some time .
11 His work with the youthful Chamber Orchestra of Europe confirms both a commitment to training and to performing new works .
12 He hoped that the markets would see that he had tied sterling to the Deutschmark and that they would realise that this meant a commitment to achieving German-style price stability .
13 Their attitude was , when you buy it you make a commitment to buying it and you wear it .
14 Equally important , Fforde finds a commitment to the market economy and laissez-faire embedded in the party 's grass roots , and in particular in the outlook of the most traditional Conservative interest , the land .
15 Most post-independence governments had , at one level , a commitment to an economic transformation with several components .
16 The political reticence evident in these volumes is indicated by a degree of randomness in the choice of materials and by implication a commitment to the more ‘ expressive ’ or irrationalist side of their work .
17 The candidates need to have a commitment to world mission , good presentational/speaking skills and the mental and physical stamina for frequent travel .
18 Both parties are taking the talks seriously and a commitment to resolving their diametrically opposed views of next year 's rebel cricket tour by an English team is evident .
19 His decision to send National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft and Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger to Beijing not only flouted international opinion , it suggested a commitment to Realpolitik .
20 It promises sweeping freedoms , a new economic order , a commitment to a united Europe and the separation of the executive and judiciary .
21 Under Attlee 's leadership , the Party was drawn , almost inexorably , to a commitment to collective international security and its implication that war was necessary in order to curb aggressor nations .
22 The move will be seen as a further step towards a possible post-election deal between Labour and the Liberal Democrats , who are holding out for a commitment to PR for the Commons as a pre-condition of backing a minority government .
23 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
24 He has already made clear that he will demand a commitment to electoral reform in the first Queen 's Speech of a new government as the price for Liberal Democrat support .
25 MR ASHDOWN , the Liberal Democrat leader , stressed yesterday that without a commitment to proportional representation in the Queen 's Speech the Liberal Democrats would seek to vote it down and force a second general election .
26 He conceded he was taking a risk by refusing to prop up a minority government without a commitment to PR .
27 Ours is the civilisation of instant gratification ; the word ‘ discipline ’ used to imply a commitment to some future achievement , and the willingness to make sacrifices for it : now , for many , it is the name of a sexual perversion .
28 To those with a commitment to the WEA 's traditional mission , there was cause for concern in some of these statistics , but certainly not for dismay .
29 They saw a large part of their task as negotiating with and between carers and handicapped people — often painstakingly and over long periods — in order to gain a commitment to and an acceptance of a change in lifestyle .
30 It has also given a commitment to ‘ investigate and develop appropriate child care options according to local needs ’ , including the possibility of secured places at local nurseries .
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