Example sentences of "a busy day " in BNC.

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1 We say we are thirsty when we mean that we fancy a glass of wine , a pint of beer , a gin and tonic or a shot of whisky — the pleasure of naming our poison — at the end of a busy day or tiresome week .
2 One man who could have a busy day on Sunday if he drops in on the above conference will be Michael Billington , the theatre critic of The Guardian .
3 Not every battalion had such a busy day .
4 30 June was a busy day for the battalion , but typical for an AMF ( L ) exercise .
5 Prayer is far more than a shopping list , or an incidental five minutes at the end of a busy day .
6 I would urge anyone to find space in a busy day to pray in this kind of way .
7 Friday was always a busy day .
8 He had a busy day ahead of him , and although he did not yet know it , he would not be able to get back to bed until nearly twenty-four hours later .
9 There is an information centre , but its three staff will be stretched on a busy day , when Nielson expects more than 1,000 customers to pass through the store .
10 The surprise for well-fed French bureaucrats heading for a busy day paper shuffling at the European Commission was lightened only by the inclusion of croissants as a side course .
11 He was going to have a busy day tomorrow .
12 It is , however , unrealistic to plan a teaching session for a busy day when operations and doctors ' rounds are in full swing .
13 He told himself that it was late , the end of a busy day , the worst possible time for rational argument .
14 To you , the phone call may be just one of many activities packed into a busy day ; whereas to them it might be the main event .
15 The company of some elderly relatives can only be enjoyed for a limited period at the end of a busy day , and long evenings — every evening — spent together can be a strain on all concerned in different ways .
16 It is easier when you are feeling fresh and alert after a good night 's sleep than at the end of a busy day , easier for short periods than for long periods .
17 It comes in the evening after a busy day and tells me that it is past my bed-time .
18 As you drive into town on a busy day , just remember the three key words — desire , imagination and expectancy .
19 Friday had been a busy day .
20 I 've had a busy day — washed doon a' the stair ,
21 Yes , I 've had a busy day , my hours are all that full ,
22 Princess Diana spent a busy day in Tyne and Wear as scheduled .
23 Dad motioned us not to disturb her : ‘ She 's 'ad a busy day . ’
24 This is hard , since on a busy day you will sometimes have to wait quite a while for the waiter to take your order or for the arrival of the food .
25 It 'll be a busy day tomorrow . ’
26 What I had meant to say was that he was being inducted as a churchwarden , and the two of them had gone off for the ceremony — my friend was having a busy day !
27 We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow at No 10 . ’
28 And up on the hill , the castle was home to the pigeons , who would retire there to roost after a busy day 's scavenging in the town centre .
29 He said , ‘ I expect you 've got a busy day tomorrow , ( as a hint to the guest that he should go to bed ) .
30 And the massive Independent Television outside broadcast unit ensemble helped to make it a busy day at Horsted Keynes with the Bluebell already geared up that day for the official launch of the Southern Q1 they have restored on behalf of the National Railway Museum .
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