Example sentences of "a [adj] statement " in BNC.

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1 What this means is that the appearance , in the nonperspectival sense , can be identified by the use of a hypothetical statement .
2 Our sport is for all this is not a slick statement of jargon but a fact , thanks to our boats sailors of all ages and all eligibilities can participate .
3 Something said in jest , quizzically , sarcastically , as a roundabout way of asking a question , may be taken as a literal statement of fact .
4 The Committee proposed a broad statement of objectives with which the Operator would be required to abide : ‘ The director should seek , in close collaboration with the Supervisor of Broadcasting , to give a full , balanced , fair and accurate account of proceedings , with the aim of informing viewers about the work of the House ’ .
5 ‘ Strategic planning ’ can not be defined rigidly but , in general , consists firstly , of a broad statement of objectives and strategies for the organisation and , secondly , the formulation of long-term plans to achieve these .
6 Having completed the evaluation stage ( Activity 4 ) and produced a broad statement of the requirements for an IPS , the part of the study using the FAOR methodology was completed .
7 All units , whether college or centrally developed , should contain a broad statement of the area covered by the unit , the preferred entry level , a statement of the competences required , ( a competence can be defined as the ability to perform tasks in employment ) and the criteria by which competence can be assessed .
8 Michel Debré , a Prime Minister under de Gaulle and author of the constitution of the Vth Republic , declared that ‘ since in France government stability can not come from the electoral law , it must come from making governmental rules ’ , a classic statement justifying raison d'état and distrust of the people .
9 Nothing was new in this White Paper : it was emphasized that it provided an outline of a long-term strategy rather than a programme of rapid action , so it was generally regarded as a due statement of concern and good intentions , and little more .
10 When the Archbishop of Canterbury made a strong statement last autumn on this subject , voicing his concern for our reckless disregard for nature , The Times ran an editorial entitled ‘ The Greening of the Archbishop ’ .
11 The press will be looking for a strong statement of your own point of view , but you must not present a wholly one-sided picture .
12 The former will make a strong statement , enhancing the rest of the display , whereas the latter could result in a fussy mess in which it becomes impossible to enjoy any of the plants as individuals .
13 The Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd this week made a strong statement on the Satanic Verses affair , the Independent reported .
14 Underlining the British government 's commitment to link aid and democratic practices , he made a strong statement in favour of multiparty democracy , but appeared to hold back from criticism of Kenya 's human rights record , saying at a press conference that " when you look at other countries in Africa , Kenya 's record is good " .
15 In a strong statement issued from RUC headquarters , he added : ‘ The proof of our impartiality and professionalism lies in the facts : the arrests which have been made , the charges which have been preferred , and in our absolute determination to counter all terrorism without fear or favour . ’
16 A Saudi statement attributed the incident to fighting between rival Bedouin in Saudi territory .
17 ‘ That 's a rash statement . ’
18 ‘ This book makes a definite statement ’ , the authors begin ‘ It is this : Western medicine has made a fundamental error in allowing itself to become reliant on the universal use of drug therapy . ’
19 [ W ] hat is required is a definite statement that ( a ) A Labour Government will initiate productive work on a larger scale , and will raise a loan for the purpose .
20 Commence with a concise statement of what is to be done or proved .
21 You can do this on Midland machines simply by pressing the appropriate button , And in some of our branches there are machines where you can use your card to see details of the last few account transactions or print out a short-form statement .
22 He also gave the impression , although I do not think he made a specific statement , that he had in fact had discussions with the Biafrans .
23 In such cases the Court of Justice has held that the requirements of Article 190 are satisfied if the statement of reasons given explains in essence the measures taken by the institutions and that a specific statement of reasons in support of all the details which might be contained in such a measure can not be required , provided such details fall within the general scheme of the measures as a whole .
24 No statements were made to the House following those events , so why is there a specific statement today ?
25 No there is n't a specific statement in er R P G two .
26 Having a policy for aesthetic education means making a coherent statement about the nature and scope of aesthetic experience , about the school 's provision for aesthetic development and including an account of the criteria by which student progress will be measured .
27 All the bank statements and back-up bills go to the band 's accountants to be audited , together with a complete statement of income and expenditure .
28 This is not a complete statement of what in fact happened .
29 This short section does not purport to be a complete statement of the legal position regarding vertical activity .
30 So far in Freud 's argument we are only concerned with a descriptive statement , albeit one with many theoretical overtones , but there is at this point no assertion about the genesis of this hostility , or about the degree to which it is innate , or produced by the way humans are reared , or by the interaction of the two .
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