Example sentences of "a [adj] letter " in BNC.

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1 It seemed the family had the same feeling because a week later I had a pleasant letter from the mother .
2 Nobody wants a florid letter from someone they have never seen before but as an actor your style and personality must come through sufficiently — a bare list of parts played wo n't convey much .
3 Write him a friendly letter , saying you often think of him and wonder how he is .
4 Would n't the right thing be to write to London Transport withdrawing the complaint , and send a friendly letter to the conductor himself explaining the meaning of ‘ Ms ’ and asking his tolerance for opinions differing from his own ?
5 Just a friendly letter between cousins …
6 Some of these connectives would seem stilted and inappropriately formal in conversation or personal writing such as a friendly letter , but they occur frequently in formal expository writing .
7 ‘ It 's just a friendly letter , asking how you are .
8 ‘ Here is a polite letter from the Duke of Atholl , ’ he said loudly , waving the paper .
9 After a while , Sky sent back a polite letter of rejection .
10 If this fails , try another means of communication — a polite letter or fax — and then phone .
11 Write a polite letter to your new MP at the House of Commons , London SWA OAA .
12 I have now received a polite letter from B.T. together with a phone card worth 30p .
13 An outright refusal to give the victim of a damaging comment a reasonable opportunity to reply — a rejection of a polite letter to the editor , for example — may similarly betray a degree of malice behind the original comment .
14 and then they informed me that it was out of stock so I wrote them rather a a polite letter saying that it took them a long to realize it was out of stock when it had been ordered in March and erm I thought their communi communicative system in their office was er non existent .
15 I never thought that I would live to see such an important person write such a shameful letter , which is usually the behaviour of people in countries under dictatorship .
16 The firm can treat the customer as an ordinary business investor even if he does not consent in writing unless he says otherwise ; a one-way letter is sufficient .
17 Occasionally a book has almost achieved immortality , like John Ruskin 's Stones of Venice , but even more modest books can call up the spirit of a place ; and a private letter may illuminate both a person and a work of art .
18 His malevolence towards Pound , his friend since their college days in Philadelphia , is extraordinary ; and when in 1920 he amplified this piece in the prologue to his Kora in Hell , Williams compounded the offence by quoting selectively from a private letter that Pound had written him .
19 The letters reveal there is a private letter attached to the British Aerospace deal allowing the company to sell Rover without penalty within five years — although the published terms say the company would have to pay back £650 million .
20 And how could she , always so proud , have come to ask a stranger to write for her a private letter , even if her sight was becoming bad ?
21 On 3 September a letter was received from William Moorcroft offering his temporary services , it was not followed up , on the ostensible grounds that it was a private letter addressed to Sheldon and not to the College committee in general .
22 Imagine this : you want to send a private letter to a friend .
23 Even if it were not , there would be other problems , such as whether a book read by millions would count equally , in the corpus , with a private letter ; whether some publications ( eg literary magazines ) would be weightier , in determining the norm for the language , than others .
24 Similarly it was in a private letter that a Cornish mine agent wrote in 1793 : The common tinners continue to be very refractory and insolent : many of them refuse to work , and have not gone underground for three weeks past — They have no cause for it for their wages have been rather too high lately than otherwise ; the consequence has been too much brandy drinking and other bad practices .
25 Roger Freeman , described the report as ‘ over pessimistic ’ in a private letter .
26 In a memorable letter to Rohde , written at the same time , he envisaged his eventual goal : " I gave a lecture here on " Socrates and Tragedy " which excited terror and incomprehension .
27 It should be noted here that the recognition output such as ‘ \ ’ and ‘ - ’ are strokes of the pen which the recogniser has been unable to join to any other stroke to give a possible letter .
28 I should also value , and quickly , advice and a possible letter of support for a particular job application .
29 It was a twenty-page letter this time — in ink .
30 Mr Oliver and his fellow rebel leaders were yesterday already planning a strong letter urging a yes vote to be sent to all MCC members , who include the Prime Minister and well-known celebrities like Gary Lineker , Harold Pinter and Tim Rice .
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