Example sentences of "and help for " in BNC.

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1 The environmental crisis will , he says , require an increase in the flow of resources to the Third World , debt relief , fair pricing of commodities , land reform and help for Third World food producers in the form of a phasing-out of subsidies to agriculture in the developed nations .
2 They also help , for example , by producing a training newsletter for trainers , and offering general advice , guidance and help for registered training officers .
3 It was all Harriet could do not to confront her , have the whole thing out , tell her that she was not prepared to put up with such behaviour any longer , that she might be a war widow with a child , but she was living in her mother 's house and should at least not take such care and help for granted .
4 Once the Munich Agreement of October 1938 appeared to dash any such prospect , Stalin lost interest in Spain and help for the by then desperate Republic dried up .
5 Among the ever-increasing demands on the world 's mysteriously limited pool of capital , is aid to the former communist countries and help for other debtor countries .
6 For the first time the Federal government took responsibility for providing , with the co-operation of the states , old age pensions , unemployment benefits and help for such groups as the blind and the handicapped .
7 Some of them were carrying placards , with slogans that read : Stop the war against Russia , No guns for Poland and Help for the Soviet people .
8 They may well provide insight and help for other behavioural disorders but not for addictive disease as such .
9 ‘ I pay enough tax on my first job ’ , Mike said , and did n't accept the connection between taxes and help for the unemployed .
10 Demirel offered export credits and soft loans totalling US$1,100 million to the former Soviet republics , and signed agreements on transport , aviation , energy industrial development , banking and help for small and medium-scale industries .
11 Information and help for transexuals and transvestites is available from the Magree Society on Darlington 382878 .
12 This is about the only plausible remaining explanation for the midweek muck-up over VAT , heating and help for the poor .
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