Example sentences of "and seeing the " in BNC.

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1 I wish they would adopt the positive principle of looking at something and seeing the good in it — seeing how it can be improved by building up the positive aspects .
2 Watching him speak , and seeing the man he was , I realized the distress that allowed him to reveal his feelings to me .
3 I do not think I knew who Plato was at the time , but I enjoyed hearing Mr Crossman speak , and seeing the other pupils , although they were mostly people thought of in the town as being particularly well-educated already .
4 I understand , too , that the poor migrainee when under attack has tremendous difficulty in hearing and seeing the normal , outside world .
5 I can still remember proudly opening the door of the church and seeing the look of complete horror on her face .
6 Running around in circles and seeing the same old thing defeats half the purpose .
7 And seeing the multitudes , he went up into a mountain and when he was set , his disciples came unto him .
8 It was oddly like going cross-eyed and seeing the bridge of your nose .
9 By contrast , the research studies were looking more broadly at the whole child care service , and seeing the remedies prescribed by previous reports on similar scandals spreading over the whole system , and informing a confrontational , antagonistic and defensive approach to work requiring a more collaborative and inclusive spirit .
10 Throughout this time the fourteen-year-old Mozart was writing and performing music , hearing other music performed and seeing the local sights .
11 He had arrived late with other NICRA leaders from Belfast , and seeing the march moving off , he ran to its head .
12 Yet , when the Old Cornwall Society revived the custom in 1929 , the fire at St Ives was lit by ‘ Rechard John ’ Hoall of Hellesvean who himself proudly recalled having taken part in lighting the midsummer beacons of former days and seeing the huge blazes in the streets of Penzance .
13 Then start again with a slow rhythm , breathing and seeing the breath flow through the lungs and over its arc back to the diaphragm .
14 They may have acquired this caution by observational learning — watching other monkeys trying to eat these insects and seeing the way they reacted to the prey 's ‘ chemical warfare ’ — or they may have evolved an inborn reaction towards bright patterns , enabling them to avoid such species from birth without any learning process , or they may have learned caution the hard way , by personal experience .
15 These novel ideas of working with the patient 's family as well as the patient , and seeing the patient in the context of the family , area transferable to other disorders and places .
16 By watching how much my members could do and seeing the different levels of suppleness , I could judge the various stages of their capability and progress .
17 I would like you to get to know your body better by looking in the mirror and seeing the improvements in your shape as each day goes by .
18 So , having D'Arcy in the band has been an education , not only from playing with someone who 's obviously a girl , but seeing how people perceive that and seeing the kind of shit she takes because she 's a girl .
19 Although the first variants suffered from numerous teething problems , the aircraft became one of the most successful products ever built by Lockheed and seeing the various types all filmed in glorious colour certainly makes this video a must for all Constellation fans .
20 Gordon Durie stole down the right and seeing the defences lack of organisation , he blasted in a low pass which McCoist drove home first time .
21 Drummer Steve is most looking forward to visiting Liverpool and seeing the relatives and friends he left behind when emigrating to Australia ten years ago .
22 I can remember being in Australia and looking through magazines and seeing the names of the photographers who are now doing my shoots and thinking : ‘ Oh wow ! ’
23 He had recalled the screaming gulls under the cliffs ; the staring eyes of the priest , the strange sensation of sinking a blade into his white flesh and seeing the life ebb from him .
24 For a few moments he watched them , and hearing their laughter and seeing the flush of innocent enjoyment in their faces he felt a sudden bitter pang of resentment that they should have their youth still and be free to enjoy it .
25 Kate looked at her mother sharply and seeing the mischievous look on her face she grinned .
26 My Lady Dedlock ( who is childless ) , looking out in the early twilight from her boudoir at a keeper 's lodge , and seeing the light of a fire upon the latticed panes , and smoke rising from the chimney , and a child , chased by a woman , running out into the rain to meet the shining figure of a wrapped-up man coming through the gate , has been put quite out of temper .
27 Watching the old gentleman turn himself into a stripling and seeing the irrepressible signs of affection between George and Catherine , he envied them deeply .
28 Watching these changes about him , and seeing the leaves of the trees behind the cages turn rusty brown and then come tumbling down on gusts of wind , Creggan grew restless and ill at ease .
29 ‘ Then other men came and other eagles , and seeing the Stones they were at peace there and did not harm each other . ’
30 Decisions taken by management are for the future , and some have a very long ‘ planning horizon ’ — the time between making the decision and seeing the consequences of that decision can be very long .
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