Example sentences of "and show [art] " in BNC.

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1 With anti-lock as standard , they respond smoothly and effectively to instruction and show no signs of fade during repeated hard stopping .
2 The trade winds have been moving the dunes south-west for thousands of years and show no sign of stopping , but unless they do , much of West Africa will be engulfed .
3 The whole vehicle looks unnaturally new and shiny : the leather harness is greased and polished , the dark velvet curtains are drawn inside the carriage and show no signs of decay .
4 The tube tips remain closed , and show no sign of damage .
5 The books were , deservedly , enormously successful and stories in the genre have continued to be written down the years and show no sign of drying up .
6 Heads say governors are obsessed with lockers and lavatories and show no interest in the curriculum .
7 Production was now centralized at Pinewood Studios , with Davis 's former personal assistant Earl St John , a one-time exhibitor , put in charge of making ‘ inexpensive films without artistic pretensions , films that had no other object than to provide good family entertainment and show a profit . ’
8 To suggest a casual relationship , the approach needs to deviate , hesitate and show a certain sensitivity by inflection to minor incidents along the way and a disinterest in the awaiting subject .
9 Although Bt is a single species of bacterium , many thousands of different strains have been isolated and show a very wide range of activity spectra against insects — particularly Lepidoptera ( moths and butterflies ) , but also Diptera and Coleoptera ( flies and beetles ) .
10 Why do human beings form sexual bonds and show a tendency to monogamy ?
11 Negatives within this contrast ratio will produce good prints without manipulations and show a black , white and a recognisable grey scale in between .
12 The results from two of the better Vibroseis lines across the basalts are presented in Fig. 6 , and show a similarity in style of faulting with that in east Antrim ( Fig. 5 ) .
13 Smile pleasantly and show a real interest in the customer 's needs , and you 'll probably get a smile and a pleasant response in return .
14 Invite a member of the audience onto the stage or platform and show a rope tied together in a loop .
15 We describe the technology and show a 5V to 15V design
16 They should n't be programmed for a pattern during these exercises , in other words they would be turned off , or they too will respond to the pattern and show a different needle movement .
17 Advertising has been banned in Iceland since 1971 ; surveys of 12–16 year olds in Reykjavik ( where 40% of the entire age- group live ) have been carried out since 1974 and show a very clear trend .
18 One deduces that the cold table at the London Tavern must have been exceptionally good , for all Farley 's sideboard dishes , cold pies , hams , spiced beef joints and potted meats are thought out with much care , are set down in detail and show a delicate and educated taste .
19 The first option you have is to use the video just like a TV set and show a programme straight through from beginning to end .
20 The stories are told in a vivid and direct manner , and show a curiosity about the world and human behaviour and a practical and down-to-earth attitude .
21 Further distinctions not shown in the table could also be drawn : the first group has short string scales , ranging from 10¼ ’ to 12½ ’ ; ; they have pine keys with rear rack guiding ; they have shallower cases with thinner scantlings and show a method of construction without dovetails in which the case parts can be assembled around the bottom boards .
22 The fifth , however , will make enough money to cover the losses and show a profit .
23 So just behave yourself , and show a little respect , or you 'll find yourself doing a striptease on top of the wedding cake in ten seconds flat ! ’
24 Once a well-fitting function has been obtained one can of course use the usual mathematical techniques to derive other indicators such rates of change , means or smoothed curves which suppress small deviations and show a trend .
25 These measurements correlate with neuronal cell count and show a relative reduction of neurons in the epileptogenic hippocampus .
26 He then runs out of anger and the last lines are hopeless and show a broken mind :
27 So I thought I 'd drop you a line through the magazine to convey my get-well-soon message and show the rest of the readership what a handsome chap you are .
28 They told me that this sort of thing happens , it 's part of training , and to stick in there and show the buggers they were wrong . ’
29 There were occasions when someone did a large number , and they would bring the job-sheet round and show the others and say ‘ She has done so many , you also must . ’
30 This would slow F1 — at least to begin with — and show the Green movement that F1 is not as anti-environmental as it claims .
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