Example sentences of "and to ensure that " in BNC.

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1 Once the death is registered , a white certificate is issued free of charge , which contains a social security form to claim any arrears of benefits due to the estate of the deceased person and to ensure that the correct benefits are paid to the widow ( if applicable ) ; and a green certificate for burial or cremation ( see Section 2 ) .
2 In most situations it is unusual and unnecessary to dwell on features of the research design , except perhaps in a boring and unread appendix , but in our instance we feel it is important to spend a chapter outlining the nature of the research design and location , and the associated problems , in order for the findings to be placed in their context , and to ensure that these considerations be taken seriously .
3 So there is £1.43 per day to feed an adult , and to ensure that a sound nutritionally-based diet is available with its appropriate calories and vitamins , and £0.92 for associated heating , lighting and other administration charges .
4 Firstly , there could be a tendency to go for the ‘ lowest skill ’ option in the selection of new technology , in order to reduce training costs and to ensure that existing employees can cope .
5 It was lightly teased into the top few inches of soil , after rain , to top up the fertility and to ensure that there are banked reserves to see crops through their long winter haul .
6 We think it desirable that the same type of teacher should be employed in these courses ( One-Year , Terminal and less formal ) as in University Tutorial Classes and that arrangements should be made whereby staff-tutors appointed for extra-mural work by the Universities should be encouraged to devote part of their time to less formal work , not only in the interests of the work , but also in order to provide a variety of occupation for the tutor and to ensure that he keeps in touch with all phases of the adult education movement .
7 In addition , because of the commitment to long-term action , the Task Force tried to produce and develop plans for follow-up action throughout the region , and to ensure that the results would be used locally .
8 We will continue to support our science base to maintain the excellence of our science and to ensure that we produce the skilled technical people we need .
9 We will continue to recognise the special needs of small and medium-sized companies , and to ensure that Government delivers useful services to them .
10 We will convert Invalid Care Allowance into a Carer 's Benefit , increasing its value by an immediate 15% , indexing its future level to earnings and altering the entitlement rules to enable carers to combine caring with part-time or even full-time jobs and to ensure that people will still be eligible even if the caring starts after the carer reaches pensionable age .
11 The French approach to takeovers has tended to aim at strengthening their central manufacturing core and to ensure that the French company remains dominant and in control , whereas the British takeover is generally aimed at diversification .
12 One of the first things Reagan did upon becoming president was to name Iran as an enemy of America and to ensure that no trade of any kind went on between the two countries , either directly or indirectly , imposing draconian penalties for anyone caught doing so .
13 The school has a duty ( which rests with the governors ) to identify pupils with special educational needs and to ensure that appropriate provision is made .
14 Most drains and sewers perform their task by gravity flow , and to ensure that the pipes are self-cleansing they should flow at about 1.5 metres per second .
15 This did not , however , stop the question of political marginality and the need to reform existing policies from being raised at all , as can be seen subsequently by the attempts after 1981 to introduce both locally and nationally measures which were meant to address some of the grievances of the rioters and to ensure that further disturbances did not occur .
16 Your job is to help your subordinate understand why certain objectives must be achieved and to ensure that the work of the subordinate is within his knowledge and ability .
17 You are required therefore to notify us if you change your address and to ensure that the arrangements for receiving mail at your Registered Address are safe .
18 I urge you to seriously consider this offer and to ensure that you reply before the closing date .
19 In the present situation , the ASEA could never be a remedy for the ‘ general wastefulness of industry ‘ ; instead , its proper role was in helping employers to get the right kind of boy , and boys to find the right kind of employer and to ensure that training was effective , both in terms of the workshop and of continued education .
20 It demonstrates how Conservative administrations in the 1980s have been determined to reduce public expenditure and to ensure that support is ultimately dependent on central-government approval — a constant theme in inner-urban policy , which later chapters explore .
21 Such advisers will certainly be expected to spend much more time in schools and to ensure that the demands of the National Curriculum are being met .
22 The ward staff should understand that the primary role of the clinical teacher is to teach and to ensure that the students obtain the maximum benefit from their ward allocation .
23 Examinations are designed very largely to secure ease of marking since skilled markers are limited , and to ensure that , as far as possible , justice is seen to be one and that instances ( and accusations ) of nepotism or corruption are kept to a minimum .
24 The army commanders demanded clothing , provisions , horses and other items from the city and to ensure that their demands were met they took two of the city 's Magistrates as hostages .
25 For centuries , the Clan Campbell had been the enemies of Clan Macdonald and to ensure that no mercy was shown to the Macdonalds of Glencoe , the Campbells of Glen Lyon were instructed by Dalrymple to enforce the orders .
26 Rather than all the rare qualities discussed , the person serving young people in the latter part of the century needs to be able to work in a no-nonsense way with young people , to be a good manager prepared to fight for a fair share of the funds , to ensure that staff are able to devote a generous amount of time to users of the services in groups and as individuals , and to ensure that there is a good stock of books and other materials to explore .
27 I am not such an optimist as to imagine that we are always going to agree with you about the type of regulation , or its costs , but I do want to emphasise that we are determined always to try to talk through contentious issues with you and to ensure that there is real dialogue . ’
28 The Treaty provisions endeavour to establish a system of workable competition to maintain a choice for consumers , purchasers and suppliers , and to ensure that market entry remains unhindered by anti-competitive practices while at the same time supply and demand are allowed to operate freely , so ensuring that the prices at which goods are sold in the market place are competitive .
29 The stated aim of the Commission is to create a homogeneous market in takeovers , with adequate and equal safeguards for individual investors , and to ensure that all players in a takeover act fairly and proceed on an equal basis .
30 Traders like tavern-keepers in the Strand and wine merchants in St James 's Street , learnt to expect and tolerate late payment , and to ensure that any steps to obtain settlement were taken with the greatest diplomacy .
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