Example sentences of "and let [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She wanted to throw them wide and let in as much air as possible , as Cobalt had done on her earlier visit .
2 In general , unless you have very long and gracious windows , I think such windows look neater and let in more daylight if they are covered with blinds or shutters or even some sort of grill or trellis work .
3 The insecurities remain because they were so entrenched at a very important developmental time when as children they were dependent and let down .
4 Barber 's choral music is represented by A Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map ( text by Spender ) and Let Down the Bars O Death !
5 I feel angry and let down by you . ’
6 It 's an interesting mixture of management and overhead-view arcade action , and let down slightly by the latter .
7 Heavily in debt to certain members of his nobility and to routier captains , and let down by his Castilian ally , he had had to seek the financial resources with which to pay for his Spanish expedition .
8 11 And saw heaven opened , and a certain vessel descending unto him , as if had been a great sheet knit at the four comers , and let down to the earth .
9 Claman sets out to explore in depth fundamental questions , but readers expecting such will be left unfulfilled and let down .
10 Sapt will get the key from the Duke and let down the drawbridge .
11 There appears no civilised pale where they can remove their armour and let down their guard for any length of time .
12 A group of sports fans are claiming they were overcharged and let down by a tour operator who sold them tickets to the Olympic Games .
13 I remember when er go and let down er somebody 's tyre .
14 He was dropping one of his tools and let forth a number of obscenities .
15 It was nice to fill up with Perrier till your bladder was bursting , then go in the gents and let forth a good stream .
16 ‘ There is enough to do , ’ he said , and let out a long breath .
17 Cullam sprang to his feet and let out a great cry , drumming his fists on the desk .
18 Christopher went with him to feed the chickens and let out the sheep which were used as ‘ mowers ’ for the steep lawns .
19 Then he put his fingers in his mouth and let out a shrill whistle .
20 ‘ Goodbye , ’ said Robyn , and let out the clutch .
21 The man was excited and let out raucous laughter , sounding like a cross between a throaty American and a macaw .
22 Midnight jiggled and cavorted and let out two enormous bucks .
23 Hoomey shot up round Bones 's ears and Bones , remembering his old ways , shook him back into the saddle and let out some contented snorts .
24 Close your eyes , take one or two deep breaths and let out the air with a deep sigh .
25 Suddenly she stopped and let out a cry .
26 He looked up just as Mary turned , and let out an exclamation .
27 The weathercock , caught by the breeze , swung sharply round and let out a loud , cross ‘ Cock-a-doodle-doo ! ’ right in Carol 's ear .
28 Now when there is excess flood water it is held between them and let out slowly later .
29 He said , ‘ It is possible to bypass the censor which normally filters the impulses deriving from our subconscious , and let out things which ought to be kept in .
30 Benstede pursed his lips and let out a long sigh .
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