Example sentences of "and hope [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And hope on the day it will go like a dream .
2 No , you polish your armour till it gleams , you sharpen your lance and you mount your white charger , you raise your banner , you bid farewell to the grieving city , where the crowd stands in terror and hope at your preparations and your parting .
3 Rationing was still in force , but the mood in the country was one of jubilation and hope at the start of the second Elizabethan age .
4 First , Kolbe 's death brought meaning and hope to dying men .
5 As the grandmother ( originally played by Edith Evans ) , Constance Cummings , now in her 80s , recalls a vanished age of acting with her effortless sense of style and superb ability to turn a line to perfection , while Jean Marsh brings a moving sense of both hurt and hope to the role of Miss Madrigal .
6 The truly happy life has the resources of a great river that flows endlessly , bringing strength and hope to ourselves and to others .
7 You do as you are told and hope to God that someone knows what they are doing .
8 This is a situation where you can not knock on a door and hope to be immediately granted the favours you seek .
9 The reason I am writing this is to give greater understanding to those who want help and hope to those who need it .
10 Some were just curious , and would pretend to have lost their way and hope to be invited to spend a night .
11 Although it will compete against IBM with the boxes , Bull said it would also be working to configure the machines specifically for its own markets , and hope to be able to offer them to its banking customers for branch systems , for instance , in conjunction with its proprietary GCOS transaction processing servers ( see below ) , tied together through the Bull Distributed Computing Model ( based on OSF 's DCE ) .
12 He 'd have to leave the window slightly open and hope to be disturbed if anything happened .
13 Baberton Crescent is in the process of inaugurating a scheme and hope to be joined by Foulis Crescent .
14 Baberton Crescent is in the process of inaugurating a scheme and hope to be joined by Foulis Crescent .
15 We plan to invite her for the weekend of 10th — 12th July and hope to be able to use Froebel Institute , Roehampton .
16 We 're setting up in another hangar and hope to be back in business soon .
17 The orthopaedic department is working towards a one-year maximum wait for patients on a waiting list for an operation and hope to drastically cut the wait for an outpatient appointment .
18 THE convicted Watergate figure Charles Colson , once known as ‘ the toughest of the tough ’ in the Nixon White House , won a million-dollar prize yesterday for bringing religion and hope to prisons .
19 This is not to suggest that all , or indeed any , should be discarded ; if England have to go for maturity and hope for the best , so be it .
20 So it 's surprising that when we 're staying in a guest house on a walking holiday we 're content just to order ‘ a packed lunch ’ , and hope for the best .
21 * Care for the Elderly and Hope for the Hurt Mind
22 But there was nothing for filmmakers to do but plunge on , grab every chance that came their way and hope for the best .
23 Similarly , on retreats such as this one , the fire of the Holy Spirit has an opportunity to burn away the dross of the Church and even of doctrine that may obscure the faith that is central to all we believe and hope for .
24 All his energy was concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other , to get out to the Lock before Marie provoked Simon into uncoiling his other self , the one hidden behind the attentive , polite , charming Simon in whom Marie had invested so much of her trust and hope for the future .
25 There is some pardon to be had , and hope for the future .
26 It is not enough to rely on vitamin pills and hope for the best .
27 The ‘ most glorious and mighty victory of all time ’ had brought forth a tide of ‘ jubilation , admiration , awe , pride , competitiveness in achievement and devotion , certainty of victory and hope for peace ’ , as ‘ the entire people , together with the Führer , humbly thanked the Lord God for his blessing ’ .
28 When life seems strange , uncertain and frightening , the church should provide a sanctuary from which emanates understanding , support and the possibility of new attachments in all their variety and hope for the future .
29 The Bristol Cancer Health Clinic opened 10 years ago amidst great fanfare and hope for cancer patients who felt the need for a holistic approach seldom practised by orthodox medicine .
30 I do n't know what you 've got planned , there , but a decent boys ' day school is not something to be entered into lightly , it 's a hell of a commitment , I mean I send mine to the local primary and hope for the best …
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