Example sentences of "and makes [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dr Runcie affirms the need to create wealth and makes no plea for its collective ownership .
2 iii , ‘ He dies , and makes no sign ’ , DS 54 .
3 Most — though not all — of a bee 's behaviour is the result of innate programming and makes no intellectual demands .
4 He calls her ‘ an outstanding creative figure in twentieth-century art , and a dominating influence in Irish art in her time ’ ; he praises ‘ her radiant self-confidence ’ , ‘ her austere intellectual vigour ’ and makes no secret of his passionate commitment to the greatness of her artistic achievement .
5 This , however , scarcely deserves such a grandiloquent title , for it is not all-comprehensive , it is too incomplete and makes no claims to being self-contained and to the construction of systems .
6 The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties continues this distinction and makes no reference to interests of third parties .
7 She is naked and makes no attempt to cover any more of herself than people do who are all alone .
8 Polsby argues that the pluralist approach is more rigorous and makes no such a priori assumptions about the distribution of power in urban political , systems .
9 He seems to ignore the possibility of browsing at the catalogue and makes no distinction between types of users or their purpose .
10 Static input allows for a greater variety of input formats and makes no requirements about the availability of hardware at the time of writing .
11 The foregoing has concentrated on increases ( decreases ) in dividends and makes no comment on the actual payout ratio itself .
12 King ( 1984 ) continues with the assumption that decisions reflect the demand of the median voter and makes no allowance for governmental failure .
13 The adjustment provides a conservative basis for the calculation of direct employment since it is less than the 7.5% ‘ gap ’ noted above and makes no allowance for the 2% employed in Scotch Whisky companies who are not members of the SWA .
14 The wording of the concession would seem to suggest that if the husband moves out of the matrimonial home and makes no election that his new home is his main residence then he need do nothing further , since on any subsequent transfer of the former matrimonial home to his former wife the principal private dwelling house exemption will be available ( provided she has continued to live there ) .
15 She is an extraordinary young woman who dares her difficulties with great fortitude and makes every effort not to show her unhappiness to those around her .
16 David Solman builds a special garden bench , inspired by a sunnier summer than 1991 , and makes a simple dowelling jig
17 This is immensely unpopular in the country and makes a Labour victory more likely .
18 If a villager migrates to Bombay and makes a living as a hawker , he probably has to bribe a cop to stay in business and pay off the local mafia don .
19 One of our fellow primates , the two-foot-long lemur is vegetarian , monogamous , and makes a noise like a saxaphone .
20 As Jonathan Sher has provided a wide-ranging account of education in rural America it may be sufficient to have two quotations from him — if only as counterpoint to our stereotype from imported films where the lovely young school mistress with an impeccable value system gets the rootin' tootin' cowboy and makes a man of him !
21 When they are successful a bell rings and a mechanical buddha lights up and makes a creaky obeisance .
22 It is this action that levels the board out in flight and makes a small hop into a controlled jump .
23 Whereas in discrimination learning the student learns to distinguish between events and objects on the basis of their differences , in concept learning she concentrates on the similarities of phenomena belonging to a class and makes a common response to them .
24 Auber points out that the minor inconsistencies can cause the user confusion and makes a plea for standardization .
25 So the sewage goes septic , giving off hydrogen sulphide which corrodes the pipes and makes a nasty smell .
26 The cat then breaks cover and makes a final uncovered dash along the length of the jetty .
27 Then , if left alone , it quickly revives and makes a dash for freedom .
28 All at once the fox leaps round , catches and kills the crow and makes a meal of it .
29 The loutish Eddie meanwhile fancies his chances with ‘ Frigid ’ Bridgit and makes a bet with his pals that he can score by the end of the evening .
30 Suspension noise is well contained , too , and while there 's a little more tyre and wind noise than we would have expected , the Safrane still shines in this category and makes a particularly quiet and refined motorway cruiser .
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