Example sentences of "and indeed a " in BNC.

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1 If such a measure were to be carried ( and a similar one is likely to be introduced in the Senate ) , Mr Bush could use force only at the risk of a domestic , and indeed a constitutional , crisis .
2 Collusion , which used to be a bar to divorce , is no longer prohibited , and indeed a Committee chaired by Mrs Justice Booth recommended in 1985 that the parties should in future be entitled to file joint petitions for divorce .
3 That is invoked in other contexts : if a Faraj is attacked by members of Fahmi , they should unite as Ibrahims , and indeed a Faraj would expect the support of the Fadhils in those circumstances .
4 As I was not pleased with this , and indeed a little sorrowful that my brother should take pleasure in another 's company , I went to bed early and lay listening to the West Wind howling round the turrets and after a while fell into an uneasy slumber .
5 What is more , the crucial issue of traffic segregation should have been discussed in Stadtverkehr , given its relevance to cost-effectiveness , design and indeed a whole range of issues connected to the principles of traffic quietening .
6 The Wagner Report set the goal that residential care should offer a positive experience : ‘ actively aimed at providing every resident with the highest quality of life of which they are capable and indeed a better life than would be open to them in any other environment ’ ( ibid. , p. 8 ) .
7 I , and indeed a lot of other people , feel that this is going to happen sooner than you think , and that many of you will be happily using the train in the near future , especially for longer journeys .
8 It is also the acclaimed home of the Teifi coracle and indeed a very interesting Coracle Centre and Museum can be seen in the village where appropriate demonstrations are held .
9 Eliot was , then , a master of disguise or protective camouflage — an " upper-middle " Englishman with his publishing colleagues , a Yankee with Yankees and indeed a pillar of the Church with other such pillars .
10 The learned judge thought not ( and indeed a mere finder of lost wheat could not authorise the grinding of it ) , and yet he felt that it would be hard to hold X liable .
11 There is little discussion in many schools between the different disciplines of language teaching , and indeed a lack of mutual support amongst colleagues in general .
12 A world in fact in which the stuff itself — the coins , the notes — seemed barely relevant and indeed a trifle indecent .
13 Here , then , are two more of the group of " preliminary studies " from which BT was to emerge ; and indeed a letter to Wagner later that year refers to " The Dionysiac Philosophy " , in precisely such terms , as a Vorstudium , Whatever remains of the course on Oedipus Rex itself is as yet unpublished .
14 And indeed a car — not a Daimler , but a puce Ford Fiesta — had coasted down the drive .
15 After some months of training , a last-minute panic to obtain a working tandem , and indeed a first ever tandem ride the night before the event , we managed to complete the course .
16 It was argued that since any payment above the standard rent would be illegal and indeed a criminal offence under section 17 of that Act , the lease itself was unlawful and accordingly the agreement for commission fixed upon the amount of the rent stipulated in it was also illegal and irrecoverable .
17 The Garden has , since its inception , collaborated on a European and indeed a world-wide scale .
18 It also reached out into the social and anthropological fields , and indeed a special journal linking it with linguistics was founded as early as 1859 .
19 The position on page two then shows the reductions targets , where we 've got a , a target for efficiency savings of hundred and thirty five thousand , service reductions on income generation costing six hundred thousands , and a proposal that we use a hundred and eighty thousand of the Committee 's carry forward savings in the first year , erm , that is obviously a one year only reduction , and indeed a Policy and Resources Committee and a report of treasurer to that committee , did make the point that committees will be aware that they must use the carry forwards in funding reductions in four , five , will have to matched by service reductions in future years .
20 They have been used to develop services jointly with health , and indeed a substantial part of the ones that we 're losing are underpinning the local health team in South Telford at the moment .
21 Though Arabs did emigrate to Egypt , the large majority of the population was unchanged , and indeed a significant minority of some 10 per cent remained committed Copts .
22 Nor , I think , would you guess that in the divorce tracts there is an intensity of disillusion and indeed a self-pity .
23 We 've got French journalists coming in , into the Thames Valley area , and indeed a Japanese group of journalists coming in erm the week after next .
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