Example sentences of "and thus [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The judge had to ensure that the trial was fair and thus evidence should only be excluded if necessary to ensure that fairness , that is if its probative value was outweighed by its prejudicial effect .
2 In the libraries of schools and higher education , user education may be justified by the fact that the library is just one department within an educational institution and thus user education is just one part of the educational process .
3 His Observations on the Circumstances which Influence the Condition of the Labouring Classes ( 1817 ) questioned the linkage by Thomas Malthus [ q.v. ] of population growth to increasing wage rates , arguing that the likely age of first marriage and thus birth rates were influenced , not by wage rates or poor-relief practices , but by perceived employment prospects which , paradoxically , were best when wages were low .
4 The material nonlinearity responsible for nonlinear refraction , and thus bistability , can also generate sidebands on the pump frequency .
5 The danger of this pragmatic approach is that it encourages too ready an acceptance of historical costs , and thus change becomes difficult .
6 The negative reaction pushes for avoidance of the traumatic experience , and thus Amfortas is healed by the spear .
7 Would one find controlled authorities rationally closing the hospitals which they had been told were least fit to serve for the future — for instance on the grounds of extreme remoteness to districts served or lack of viability in terms of the relative decline of the resident population — and thus cases of rule book judgements ?
8 Conditioning with a pre-trained A allows the associatively activated representation of X to acquire associative strength and thus B will be able to evoke responding by virtue of its association with the X representation .
9 All the port traffic , in particular heavy goods vehicles , uses the Gillingham Gate and thus Medway and Bridge Roads .
10 A different sort of exhibition which has had some success in attracting attention , and thus newspaper coverage , is the prize competition .
11 The climb-out is shallow ( about 300 ft/min ) and flown at 50kts with the engine pulled back to 2250 rpm to conserve it a little — max rpm ( and thus 38hp ) is at 2625 rpm .
12 ‘ Pakistan 's indigenous gas effectively displaces large quantities of imported oil and thus development of local gas supplies has significant foreign exchange benefits as well as providing a greener fuel , ’ explained Martin Scott , Central Region 's managing director .
13 Livingston 's latest results are already telling us something new ; he has found that the Sun 's temperature ( and thus brightness ) reached a minimum in the summer of 1981 , but has been gradually increasing since then .
14 There , Stirling heard by radio that Tripoli had fallen on 23 January , and thus Jordan 's mission was vital .
15 Loss of the gastric acid barrier may lead to recurrent enteric infections , small intestinal bacterial overgrowth , persistent diarrhoea , and thus malnutrition .
16 With tree-cover restored and thus degradation reversed , attention can turn to the lower ground , already over-salinated .
17 Soon after work began however , it was found that there were serious problems in making a secure , stable base for the embankment and thus progress was brought to a halt .
18 It also concluded that : — There seems little likelihood that scientific experiments will be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of primary prevention in the population as a whole , and thus decisions on preventive policy must be reached without prior experimental tests . ’
19 Whilst this does provide a picture of greater diversity of ownership ( and thus competition ) ( Table 4.3 ) , it also highlights aspects of concentration .
20 And thus competition is inherent in the nature of the entrepreneurial market process .
21 However , both these studies used a low resolution technique to type a complex tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism , and thus alleles assigned the same fragment length may be genetically heterogeneous .
22 He had been forced out by the controversy surrounding a video recording , made public by the opposition , which showed Mladenov ( at the time President of the State Council and thus head of State ) suggesting that tanks be used to crush an anti-government demonstration on Dec. 14 , 1989 [ see p. 37110 ] .
23 german world cup star Lothar Matheuss was interviewed after the game and he said that the team scoring the most goals over 180 minutes is the best team and thus Norwich deserved the win .
24 When he became Minister of the Interior and thus boss of the Securitate , its various intelligence activities and methods were explained to him .
25 The prosecution finally dropped its charges when Robert McFarlane , National Security Adviser in 1983-85 and thus North 's superior , who was brought before Gesell on Sept. 11 as a test case to decide whether proceedings should continue , declared that North 's congressional testimony had a " very powerful impact " on him and " coloured " evidence that he gave at the original trial .
26 No national market for consumer or industrial goods was created and thus industrialization was hindered .
27 It was also claimed that some people in the media held shares in the mining companies and thus coverage of the exploration could be uncritical .
28 Hilton 's uneducated disciple , however , is learning at this stage that the goal of the contemplative life is a remaking of the self to be like God through a loving practice , and thus knowledge , of goodness : Such contemplation is experienced as a gift which lifts the conscious effort to know and love God into an activity of delight which expresses the whole man : Although this goal is thus acknowledged from the start , the rest of the book is devoted to the means by which the contemplative can work towards it .
29 The course was rowed from the Old Swan near London Bridge to the White Swan at Chelsea and thus dwellers in the Walk were conveniently placed to view the finish .
30 He claimed that the government was forcing Petrobrás to run at a loss in order to keep petrol prices and thus inflation down .
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