Example sentences of "and pour [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Shake vigorously to mix and pour over salad just before serving .
2 As a result my mother went home and poured away all her stock .
3 The village reversed , took off and poured away .
4 Awkwardly and delicately , as if her own arms and hands were unfamiliar tools , she gathered flowerpots on a cleared area of ledge , took a bucket outside and poured away the green standing slime .
5 My recollection was that the detective story was one of E. Phillips Oppenheim 's , and that it concerned a horrific murder whereby the victim was , so to speak , liquefied and poured down the sink , so that the ‘ essence ’ of him was thus disposed of .
6 The wax is enveloped in clay , baked in a fire and poured off .
7 He joined me at the table and poured out two generous measures of the clear liquid from the bottle .
8 One day Tom came to see me and poured out a story which told me the other side of his ambitious , over-achieving self .
9 St Paul was emphatic that by receiving the broken bread and poured out wine , the believer is participating in the self-offering of the Son to the Father in his broken body and shed blood .
10 He enhanced his own powers , reducing those of aristocratic senators , and poured out a huge volume of edicts to establish law and order .
11 Just lived up there in the east wing and poured out all this stuff about fairies .
12 Squeaky re-appeared behind the bar with a large enamel jug of cider , and poured out two pints of the golden liquid for Yanto 's inspection .
13 Jonna slumped into a chair and poured out the events of the evening , while Elizabeth made another pot of tea .
14 Harriet pushed back the whisky bottle and poured out two sherries .
15 He shot out of bed and poured out a glass of mineral water .
16 These were apparently induced , or incubated , by Gilgamesh , who dug a well , went up to the mountain and poured out a fine meal on the ground before saying , " O mountain , dwelling of the gods , bring me a favourable dream " .
17 In addition the epicuticle may include a superficial lipid layer ( Lockey , 1960 ) covered by a protective cement layer of unknown composition ; the cement layer is secreted by epidermal glands and poured out over the surface .
18 Connie parked herself on a white divan and poured out some black steaming liquid .
19 He switched on the strip lights behind the bottles , and the electric fire , and poured out two large glasses of whisky .
20 She watched him carefully as Wakelate brought in the brandy and poured out a generous measure .
21 Ymor moved his hand carefully , and poured out another flagon of beer .
22 McAllister sat herself down opposite him and poured out two cups of coffee — he had refused to drink his own until she had joined him .
23 He made up his mind and poured out some more water .
24 Andrus had gone to Zoser and poured out his heart .
25 Basically any report on Eastern Europe 's problems comes down to much the same things : a heavy reliance on smokestack industries burning brown coal ( also known as lignite ) and pouring out uncontrolled noxious fumes , factories tipping their chemical wastes straight into rivers , and untreated sewage .
26 His performance was suffering and could be found more and more often in saloon bars , pouring down whisky , and pouring out his life history to some new-found friend .
27 The woman clung to Julia 's hand and broke down for the first time , weeping and pouring out a torrent of Italian that Julia was incapable of translating for herself .
28 Because suddenly he has me ( it 's mad , he kidnapped me ) laughing at him and pouring out his tea , as if I 'm his best girl-friend .
29 Put lettuce , endive and watercress on two plates and pour over half the dressing .
30 Mix together the mayonnaise and yogurt and pour over the vegetables .
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