Example sentences of "and allow [art] " in BNC.

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1 In many of the Sussex levels pumped drainage schemes are being installed to give greater control over the water levels so that the water table can be gradually lowered , permitting the permanent pasture to be improved by ploughing and re-seeding and allowing a longer grazing season ; some will no doubt be converted to arable .
2 Hence the advisability of ‘ playing safe ’ and allowing a 50% margin on the quoted strain — and we have n't yet mentioned the weakening factor of the knots !
3 In Wisconsin the Assembly agreed not to vote on an abortion measure , thereby killing a revised bill for the time being and allowing a stringent , but inoperable , law imposing criminal penalties for doctors performing abortions to remain in force .
4 Development plans ( where they exist ) are certainly used in development control , but many policies are not covered by the plans , and even when they are , they are typically expressed in general terms requiring interpretation of their meaning and allowing a wide range of discretion .
5 Thus the stair was installed with a mezzanine-level landing , giving a headroom below of only 2.05m ( 6–1/2ft ) — ie , the height of a conventional internal door — and allowing an equivalent headroom below the tie-beams of the roof trusses above .
6 This timing gives some idea of how long their travelling habitually took : still in a post-chaise , and allowing an hour , say , for breakfast , they required seven hours or so to travel a distance of about twenty-eight miles .
7 We are able to calculate the population for the late 17th century when a census was taken throughout Kent to enumerate the various religious bodies i.e. the number of Conformists , Catholics and Nonconformists , the return for Hailing showing 60 Conformists , no Catholics or Nonconformists , so allowing this figure was for adults only and allowing an average of 40 children for 60 adults this gives us a total of 100 .
8 Sat there through the night , closing my eyes at times , then opening them slowly and allowing the glass to impose itself .
9 an end to exchange controls and allowing the pound to find its own level ;
10 As she became a phenomenon across the world Kylie and her organisation also began looking at sponsorship and allowing the star 's image to be associated with High Street products .
11 Ordinary window glass is an example of matter in this state ; it is made by melting up silicate materials such as quartz sand and allowing the melt to cool under controlled conditions so that crystallization does not occur .
12 The development of creativity is nothing less than the stocking of the mind with innumerable images and allowing the mixture to work as in fermentation to produce its astonishing results .
13 They begin well enough , rolling on to their backs , gaping the mouth awkwardly wide and allowing the long tongue to loll lifelessly from their sagging jaws .
14 Simply by providing a variety of equipment and allowing the children to experiment , we are effectively increasing the possibility for incidental mathematical experience and learning .
15 By sticking to the rules of keeping rhythm , balance and impulsions and allowing the fences to come to you , the horse is given the chance to jump athletically and can alter his stride if necessary .
16 Reptilian blood systems go through a period of self-adjustment permitting the conservation of heat as required , and allowing the creatures to distribute it when needed .
17 This makes contact with the batch of rods , then draws the cooling product along at predetermined speed for about 5m(16ft) before–relaxing the pressure , lifting off , and allowing the machine operator to cut the batch free .
18 The initial BFS produced by this method can also be used as an initial BFS for the TRP by identifying i with as warehouses and i with as shops and allowing the initial BFS to contain only x i j , where i is a warehouse and j a shop .
19 The family solicitor threatened to sue the council for not carrying out the panel 's decision and allowing the children to go home .
20 As the Australians retreated eastwards , attempting to form a defence perimeter , 630 Japanese paratroops were dropped to snipe among them , slowing their retreat and allowing the battle-hardened elements of the Japanese 38 Division — some 5,000 men — to outflank the Australians ' withdrawal .
21 The state did its utmost to accommodate the companies , in the early days imposing no environmental regulations on their operations , and allowing the export of both unprocessed metals and untaxed profits .
22 If you choose to abandon formality ( 'Why do n't we discuss this over a drink ? ' ) then you are playing high status in that you 're taking this decision , and allowing the other person perhaps to rise above their station .
23 Until the manner in which such goods are dispersed within regions is better understood we can only assume , at present , that places with very high consumption are also the points of distribution where a paramount controlled such prestige exchange , consuming most locally and allowing the passage of a little to other places .
24 The bristles work by laying down flat in the direction of travel , so reducing friction between your skis and the surface and allowing the skis to slide .
25 To name but three : Protestants everywhere insisted upon the necessity of allowing the laity to worship in the vernacular , giving them the cup in communion , and allowing the clergy to marry .
26 In principle , one could find the contribution of deleterious mutations to ageing by turning off mutation , and allowing the population to recover to its optimal life history .
27 Or at home , when there is an unresolved issue distorting a relationship , a good row can clear the air , releasing tension and allowing the couple to deal with their differences .
28 The Active Gel Network consists of very fine links which release under the pressure of application and then re-form , holding colour pigments , ultraviolet filters and oils on the surface and allowing the moisturising agents to penetrate .
29 The mathematics includes equations relating variables and allowing the values of some to be deduced , given the values of others .
30 Progesterone secretion therefore stops , removing the negative feed-back and allowing the cycle to start all over again through renewed secretion of FSH-RH .
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