Example sentences of "of housing for " in BNC.

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1 The support given to the Urban Foundation showed British recognition of the acute shortage of housing for blacks in South Africa 's urban areas , a move welcomed by Nthato Motlana , chairman of Soweto 's civic association .
2 The development of housing for sale with the use of private funding can not be carried out by a registered housing association — Northern Counties Provident Housing Association — had to be set up .
3 There are many complaints about the poor quality of housing for teachers .
4 A. Two great inventions , about 1800 , caused a massive rapid expansion of industry and of housing for extra workers .
5 Finally , the funding agencies — predominantly the Housing Corporation , in the case of housing co-operative and housing association stock development , and the private sector in the case of housing for sale — will provide the necessary finance .
6 It reads : ‘ We urge the government to give housing a higher priority , by making 100,000 affordable homes available each year , using both public and private housing , to meet rural and urban housing need ; by improving choice and quality of housing for all tenants ; by further measures to tackle homelessness especially among young people ; targeting government resources , such as mortgage interest relief , to those in greatest need .
7 Most British coalfields were developed away from established population centres and required the provision of housing for miners recruited from elsewhere .
8 It is clear that one of the reasons why the companies were prepared to invest so much in the provision of housing for their workmen was because they could influence employees living in company houses at the pit gates far more effectively than those living in a more mixed community several miles from their place of work .
9 Patterns of leaving home are affected by housing availability — indeed the relatively late age at which British children leave home compared to many other countries is probably tied up with the lack of suitable type and tenure of housing for young single people ( Kiernan , 1986a ; Sullivan , 1984 ; Jones , 1987 ) .
10 There was , for example , no indication that , either within its own construction programme of housing for single people or in its collaboration with a local housing association , any consideration was given to the housing needs of single disabled people .
11 This is a crucial oversight as , with the reduction in new building programmes , it is often only by adapting existing property that any significant increase in the supply of housing for disabled people can be achieved .
12 As the environmental lobby has gained increasing influence over rural planning policies , so the dilemma between the requirement of maintaining an attractive village landscape and the provision of housing for those in need has become more acute .
13 The problem of housing for handicapped individuals can not be solved by each family operating alone .
14 In recent years the provision of housing for people who need a degree of care and support has blurred the division between housing and residential care .
15 In consultation with the Department of the Environment and the Scottish Office , which are represented on MOD 's housing task force , my Department has recently been in contact with all local authorities , seeking information on their arrangements for the provision of housing for ex-service personnel .
16 In some instances , the pace of long-term change is being intensified , for instance in the provision of housing for the rural population , while in others relatively new features are evident , for example in farm indebtedness .
17 Only at the latter was agreement reached that West Germany would pay DM12,000 million ( approximately US$7,600 million ) over four years towards the upkeep of Soviet forces in East Germany , their withdrawal by Dec. 31 , 1994 , the building of housing for returning Soviet soldiers , and their retraining .
18 The US administration was concerned that in the summer of 1991 Housing Minister Ariel Sharon had continued with the construction of housing for Israeli citizens in the occupied territories [ see pp. 38213 , 38358-59 ] .
19 Hungary also promised humanitarian aid to the Russian army in the form of medical supplies and undertook to give help , " commensurate with its means " , for the construction of housing for Soviet troops previously stationed in Hungary .
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