Example sentences of "of the further " in BNC.

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1 It opens the possibility , if there are repetitions , of the further denuding of European competition ; five former champions of the continent — Liverpool , Aston Villa , Nottingham Forest , Manchester United and Ajax — are now banned .
2 Now the identity of the further blocks was known , and it was evident that sulphonamides prevented folic acid from being put together .
3 The growth of the schools/industry movement and the advent of new organisations such as UBI and SCIP ( School Curriculum Industry Partnership ) in the late 1970s provided the real stimulus for the development of the teacher placement schemes , which were now geared more towards the positive use of industrial experience in the educational process , and accepted as being part of the further professional development of a teacher .
4 It consists primarily of : concentrating the construction of turbo-alternators in the new Alsthom-Atlantique group , with a production capacity of about 10000 MW per year ; concentrating all industrial resources for the fabrication of the boilers in Framatome , with a production capacity of eight units a year ; the CEA has also bought out Westinghouse 's share in Framatome 's equity so as to have complete control of the further development of the technology , the licence for which expired in 1982 .
5 The large-scale youth unemployment coincided with a collapse in apprenticeship schemes as industry , in recession , withdrew its support for the part-time vocational courses that were the stock-in-trade of the further education colleges , many of whom had evolved from the old mechanics institutes .
6 Adult education is part of the further education service and some adult education tutors take advantage of courses offered , such as City and Guilds 731 .
7 Indeed , the exact opposite was in his mind , but he was afraid of the further rejection she would face in any hamlet or village for miles around .
8 When he was half-way across the field , Hazel became aware of a hrududu approaching very fast on the other side of the further hedge .
9 They watched him leap th bank of the further copse and disappear through the green bracken .
10 Equally , there could be no logic in treating the existence of the further caution as a reasonable excuse for not answering , for the words of the caution would make sense only if the Director could not compel an answer — in which case no excuse , reasonable or otherwise , for silence would be required .
11 At the start of the further hearing , the Attorney-General , who appeared for the Crown , drew our attention to a letter addressed to him by the Clerk of the House of Commons suggesting that any reference to Hansard for the purpose of construing the Act might breach the privileges of that House .
12 Lord Donaldson spoke of the further proposed fragmentation of the profession as ‘ an unmitigated disaster ’ ; of ‘ an irreversible plunge into the unknown ’ ; of ‘ an affront to the constitutional doctrine of the separation of power ’ ; of freedom disappearing ‘ by gradual erosion ’ .
13 At home he was a staunch supporter of the BDDA which he served as Chairman of the Further Education and Youth Committee for many years , before being elected a Grand Councillor and later awarded a medal of honour .
14 As an economist , Pareto was well aware of the further dimension to social phenomena which the concept of interest introduces , and he acknowledges its significance without , however , dealing with it in great detail in his sociological work .
15 As we have seen , a two-tier structure has been established : the lower tier , the Board , possesses the more detailed and intimate knowledge of the working of the further education system and will make recommendations to the upper tier , the Committee , which consists very largely of local authority representatives and will decide what advice should be given to the Secretary of State .
16 Concern was also expressed in some quarters when it became known that Christopher Ball was to be appointed Chairman of the Board , on the grounds that as head of an Oxford College he would not appear to have the intimate knowledge of the further education system that such a post requires .
17 The institutions we have just considered represent , however , fewer than one in four of the further education establishments in the Principality ; indeed , more typical are the remaining 35 colleges which are concerned almost exclusively with non-advanced work .
18 Our review of the further education sector in Wales reveals a situation which has changed considerably during the past twelve years or so .
19 It also draws attention to the setting-up in Scotland , after the vote on devolution , of the Tertiary Education Council with the responsibility for advising on the whole of the further education sector there , and notes that no comparable body is able to do a similar service for Wales .
20 All this is happening against a background of spending cuts imposed by local authorities upon their colleges so that the growth in demand has not been matched by an increase of the capacity of the further education system in Wales to meet this demand .
21 Fifth , release for in-service training should be increased to 5 per cent of the further education teaching force at any one time as soon as resources are available .
22 In 1992 a successful appraisal of the Lampake gas discovery was drilled in Sanga Sanga and a block-wide seismic programme was commenced as part of a comprehensive evaluation of the further potential of this prolific area .
23 The relation of this authority to the other officials of the state , indeed to the sultan himself , must , however , wait upon a discussion of the further historical development of the Muftilik , a subject to which it is now necessary to turn .
24 The standing of the University in terms of both the quality of its teaching and the significance of its research must be viewed in the light of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Act of March 1992 .
25 The results of the further survey — which involves complex and time-consuming testing — will be published as soon as possible .
26 The Secretary of State will be aware of the further 600 redundancies announced yesterday in the shipyards in Barrow which will bring to 4,500 the number of jobs lost since ’ Options for Change ’ was announced about 18 months ago .
27 Excellent progress is being made with our plans , which are the subject of the Further and Higher Education Bill currently before Parliament , to give colleges independence from local authority control .
28 Tuesday 26 November — — Second Reading of the Further and Higher Education ( Scotland ) Bill .
29 First , it enables us to take stock of the further dramatic proposals to reduce the nuclear threat between east and west since the START agreement in July .
30 And if there were a proposal to establish a funding council , that would best be done in the context of the further education colleges having acquired self-governing status , having found their feet and having had an opportunity to discuss the respective roles of the funding council and of the Secretary of State .
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