Example sentences of "for reducing [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is not an argument for dismantling or privatizing the welfare state , or for reducing benefit levels .
2 Other schemes for reducing congestion were ‘ pay-as-you-drive ’ road tolls , electronic signs on motorways warning of delays and in-car programmes plotting quickest routes .
3 The reason for reducing capacity was attributed to long-term shifts in demand rather than recession-related factors .
4 The NRA has issued a proposal for reducing water pollution from agricultural sources , centred around individual farm waste management plans .
5 Banish self-important job titles and jargon , states a new list of 50 suggestions for reducing pomposity in the workplace .
6 In proposing a cut of 10 per cent in the car tax , the society also suggested that there was a strong environmental case for reducing vehicle fuel taxation on diesel to make it significantly cheaper than petrol .
7 His schemes for reducing man 's noise were thwarted when the pious Atrakhasis won the help of the god whose creature man was .
8 We are therefore shifting some of our attention to exploring the opportunities for reducing morbidity .
9 Among the strategies suggested to cut demand are the introduction of water metering , tougher conservation standards for household appliances , and setting water companies mandatory standards for reducing leakage .
10 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
11 It was simply because the build-up to the general election revealed that policies for reducing pollution were the very last thing on anyone 's agenda .
12 Ideally , strategies using an economics-based approach to air pollution control would provide financial incentives for emission sources to pursue the most cost-effective means for reducing pollution ( Anderson et al. , 1977 ; Magat , 1982 ; Rosencranz , 1981 ) .
13 Play times can be a time for reducing stress and keeping trouble out of school .
14 The South Coast Air Quality Management District ( AQMD ) , a powerful independent regulatory body in the US State of California , has devised what it describes as a " revolutionary programme " for reducing air pollution in the Los Angeles area , which has one of the lowest air qualities in the industrialized world .
15 ‘ How ’ , he asked , ‘ can the Federal Executive Council [ the government ] be solely responsible for reducing inflation when there are thousands of self-management and government agencies making decisions about economic development , consumption , their market share , the level of prices , and so on ? ’
16 Third , state enterprises provide governments with an important tool for implementing macroeconomic policies , for reducing inflation through price and wage controls and for controlling public expenditure by tariff policy and financial restraints .
17 The Medium-Term Financial Strategy ( MTFS ) introduced in 1980 aimed to set out a medium-term financial framework for the monetary and fiscal policies consistent with the government 's overall strategy for reducing inflation and laying the foundations for sustainable economic growth .
18 Indeed , while the government 's White Paper The Health of the Nation is full of targets for the screening of breast and cervical cancer , of which it spends about £54 million each year , it contains no such targets for reducing cancer of the prostate gland .
19 There is also evidence , as we have mentioned before and shall see in the next chapter , of the extensive use of air sacs in sauropods as cooling devices and for reducing mass .
20 Education is also one of the best tools for reducing resistance and obtaining commitment to a change .
21 Used for reducing resistance to water flow .
22 For shaping wood : For reducing wood to the cross-section you require , you 'll need a smoothing plane .
23 However , in reaffirming it as an objective , Mr Kinnock was careful not to set a timescale for reducing unemployment to between 750,000 and one million , depending on circumstances .
24 The European Commission has made electricity generation its main target area for reducing oil use .
25 Johnes ' main conclusion was that raising the academic requirements for entry into university may not be the most appropriate method for reducing wastage rates , since the academic ability required to succeed at university is clearly imperfectly reflected by the results of school examinations .
26 The report demands that the Government adopt value for money as its criteria , set targets for reducing carbon dioxide emissions , and assess environmental taxation schemes .
27 We have said that we recognise that high energy prices may have to play a part in a strategy for reducing carbon dioxide emissions .
28 Plants have long " known " how to use the energy of sunlight to split water , but they do not evolve hydrogen explicitly , since it is needed only for internal energetic processes within the plant itself as a means for reducing carbon dioxide .
29 Such a strategy would undermine EC initiatives for sweeping global reductions in CO2 emissions , but would be likely to appeal to the US Administration , which has thus far failed to set any formal targets for reducing carbon output .
30 The UK government 's strategy for reducing carbon emissions has been attacked by environmentalists , who argue that it places too much reliance on voluntary action by industry and the presumed effect of market forces , and that it pays scant attention to the need for research into energy efficiency .
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