Example sentences of "for ten year " in BNC.

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1 Protocols prolonging the 1931 treaty for ten year periods were concluded by Soviet and Afghan leaders in December 1955 and August 1965 .
2 I am writing to you about the case of Im Su-Kyong , who was arrested for ten years for attending a peace march from North Korea to South Korea .
3 The thing is , she was arrested for ten years for going to North Korea without government permission .
4 Had to take twenty aspirin a day for ten years the pain was so great .
5 But after slaving over something for ten years , it is rather nice to show it off a bit .
6 Maybe for ten years would be better than no .
7 He picks himself up and declares about Fedka , later in the novel , ‘ I suffered for ten years on his account , more than he suffered as a soldier , and — and I 'll give him my purse . ’
8 For ten years he had been her constant companion .
9 We were a tiny fumbling company for ten years before anybody took any notice of us .
10 He has been chairman for ten years of the Scottish Business School , which comprises the business studies departments of the Universities of Glasgow , Strathclyde , Edinburgh , Heriot Watt and Stirling .
11 For ten years Frelimo , the ruling party in Mozambique , has operated a system by which party members are publicly elected by each community in a manner which effectively rules out those who may have opposing views .
12 He was devoted to the Prince , but he had served him for ten years and his wife had scarcely seen him .
13 ‘ This has been going on for ten years , ’ he added .
14 By then , he had been a Recorder for ten years and had become a QC in 1974 , continuing in active practice until January 1985 , since when Sir Anthony — he was knighted last year — has acted as both Ombudsman and Health Service Commissioner .
15 What Delors had in mind was aid worth £10 billion a year for ten years .
16 Such was British confidence in the future that the Attlee government reintroduced Lloyd George 's notorious ‘ No war for ten years ’ assumption for Defence planning , but for sounder reasons .
17 And as if to cap the list of failed British assumptions , the Korean War broke out in June 1950 , forcing the abandonment of the ‘ no war for ten years ’ rule and its substitution with an over-hastily generated rearmament programme , the size of which proved beyond Britain 's economic capacity .
18 The prosecutor tells them that if they both confess they will go to jail for ten years ; if neither confesses they will get two years ; if only one confesses he ( the confessor ) will get just one year while his fellow prisoner goes down for 20 .
19 Businessmen are enjoying their first boom for ten years .
20 The ranks of Britain 's unemployed grew by 80,000 in December , the biggest monthly increase for ten years ; the unemployment rate rose to 6.5% , its highest level since June 1989 .
21 It has replaced Bill Knowles , head of Bancorp for ten years , with a Natwest career man , John Tugwell .
22 At the beginning of the nineteenth century we find Lord Eldon sometimes keeping a case for ten years to think over , and not delivering judgement till perhaps most of the parties were dead and most of the property had gone in costs .
23 He had been in and out of the England team for ten years and had played 55 Tests , probably the best off-spinner in the world for much of this time .
24 For ten years , Milan Kundera has been a professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris .
25 One girl shared her story of a fringe group , which for ten years had dominated her life .
26 Very generous financial assistance would be given by the Government , in the form of a grant of up to thirty per cent of capital and remission of all taxation on export sales for ten years .
27 Even his own notorious plant , which had consistently gone downhill for ten years under his active leadership , had been steadily increasing efficiency and output for several weeks without interruption .
28 He had exercised effective control of the labour force for ten years at the giant plant and had been able to bring the workers out on strike at the drop of a hat .
29 He has actually lived in Tribeca for ten years now .
30 For example , the dies used to make Roman bronze medallions of the second century AD might last for ten years , and at the city of Dalisandos in Asia Minor a die survived for more than eighty years .
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