Example sentences of "for distribution to " in BNC.

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1 Enclosed is a copy of the new ACE Booklist 1991–2 , which lists all our consumer titles and intended for distribution to members of the public .
2 A pipeline meanders among the springs , collecting steam for distribution to rows of neat houses .
3 She has written to President Bush offering to hand over part of her late husband 's fortune for distribution to the poor in the Philippines .
4 The busiest place , by far , was Prestwick ; during the war years , in addition to other busy service and civilian traffic , 20,000 military planes were ferried in from North America for distribution to various bases and war zones .
5 Another tape is made for distribution to other broadcasters .
6 Under an employee share ownership plan or ESOP ( ss 67 to 74 , Finance Act 1989 ) , the company sets up a trust to buy shares for distribution to employees .
7 The big issue that morning was whether to release feeding stuff from the mills for distribution to the farms .
8 We were fortunate in finding Longmans ( India ) interested in the project , and with the aid of a subsidy for each book were able to put the price as low as eight annas a copy , and in return for the subsidy were able to hand over a sizeable number of each book for distribution to the Army , Navy and RAF .
9 Obviously a subject close to many hearts , particularly of those gay lobbyists who turned up with placards and leaflets for distribution to the 400 AI delegates at the opening plenary .
10 To support this message , the French Tennis Federation is having between 2000 and 3000 videos made of the Davis Cup triumph for distribution to schools and clubs .
11 Then we will be the recipients of the sums for distribution to the heritage .
12 Machine assembly will continue at the plant , with ready-made parts supplied by outside contractors , and finished products will be shipped to Holland for distribution to customers .
13 And interesting but only interesting novels could be taken to the post office for distribution to the armed forces .
14 From a take of about 100 usable pictures , his agency — Magnum Photos with offices in Paris , New York , London and Hamburg — selected about 30 subjects for distribution to the magazine press world-wide .
15 A leaflet to explain the working of the system should be prepared for distribution to all recruits .
16 Ragusa became an important entrepôt , which , in the words of Sir Paul Rycant , a shrewd English observer , writing in 1668 , was ‘ the port for transmitting the manufactures of Venice , and all Italy , into Turkey ’ , and in return received the necessities of life for distribution to the rest of Europe , often in its own ships .
17 We propose combining all completed forms , probably as simple photocopies , into a single document for distribution to all those interested .
18 His appearance is recorded in three surviving portraits in Aberdeen by his friend James Giles , the artist , one of which , with the ‘ triple kirks ’ in the background , was posthumously engraved as a memorial for distribution to subscribers .
19 Output was printed at Dartford for distribution to the various sites , although subsequently both input and output facilities were made available at Crewe and Berkhamsted .
20 producing quality illustrations for overhead projection , for notices or for distribution to others
21 This would normally be deducted from dividend income before calculating the income available for distribution to unit holders .
22 This results in a cake-like compound which is dried and ground to a fine powder ready for distribution to ready-mix concrete plants . ’
23 I found nothing noteworthy except on one , possibly the leader , who had a considerable amount of silver which I pocketed for distribution to the poor .
24 O — Outstanding : All details of the SPR have been entered and the SPR has been submitted for distribution to affected users .
25 In a similar manner to the procedure for SPRs , once an SSR has been fully entered into LIFESPAN it should be submitted for distribution to all affected users .
26 O — Outstanding All details of the SPR have been entered and the SPR has been submitted for distribution to affected users .
27 O — Outstanding — All details of the SPR have been entered and the SPR has been submitted for distribution to affected users .
28 In a similar manner to the procedure for SPRs , once an SSR has been fully entered into LIFESPAN it should be submitted for distribution to all affected users using option 4.3.0 .
29 A questionnaire was recently sent to all piloting centres for distribution to general SVQ candidates .
30 The only sources contemporaneous with the production are the librettos ( livrets ) , which were printed by Ballard for distribution to the spectators .
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